Hey Friend
Creating beautiful m'arketing grap'hics can be a painful and time taking c0stly process.
In my new tutorial I’ll dem0nstrate how you too can create unl'imited gorgeous looking graph'ics for your and your clie'nts marke'ting using a new Artificial Intelligence based visual content spinning to0l.
You see, the biggest issue I personally face is coming up with the design idea… …being creative that is.
Luckily I have a team of UX/UI and photoshop desig'ners who do all that creative and grun't work for me.
But hirin'g designers really is c0stly…especially when you’re on a bud'get. That’s exactly where Pixamattic helps.
This is a cl0ud based software that uses A.I. to crea'te marketing graphics and creates 7 differe'nt versions of the same gra'phic element for you to use.
Even my graphic designers found the to0l very useful.
Best part? Once it’s done creating all the visual c0ntent for you, it lets you sha're it multipl'e times on s0cial media, all uniqu'e graphics and posts, helping you get better exp0sure and higher ranki'ng because of posting unique and fresh c0ntent.
Here’s how Pixamattic works:
Step 1. Create Your Visual C0ntent from DFY Templates
+ Quotes + Facts + Ad Banners + Social Media Headers + eBook Covers & more Step 2. “Spin” the C0ntent to Create Many Vers'ions Then, “spin” your banner to create several ver'sions of it, i.e.: a quote banner with different colors, backgr'ounds, and shape. You can spi'n things like + Backgrou'nd images, + Elements + Text in the Ba'nner 3. Aut0share to Social Mu'ltiple Times You can cho0se to share the content right away manually or create s0cial media schedules And it comes pac'ked with all these feat'ures that you get ins'tant acce'ss to inside their da'shboar'd: x Unl'imited Visual C0ntent Creation License x Smart “Spinning” Fe'ature x Cust0m Blank Canvas Designer x 150 Re'ady-To-Use, Professi0nal-Level Design Templates x 600 Designer Backgr0und Images x 200 Royalty Fr'ee Regular & Transparent Ph0tos x 12 Nic'he Market Categories x Publishi'ng, Broadcas'ting & Sche'dule Posting to S0cial Media x 300 Fonts, Icons, Overlay, Shapes & Frames
Now I know there are t0ns of other graphic editing softw'are out there but Pixamattic really saves up a lot of time by creating t0ns of variati'ons of the visual c0ntent you’re creating for your marketing, helping you get more c0ntent.
Now I know all this is gr'eat but you’re probably wonder if I’ve got a cool useful b0nus kit too?
You bet!
When you pick up Pixamattic using my lin'k, you’ll get a'cess to my Pixamattic B0nus kit where you’ll get a'cess to 5 white'label s0tware inclu'ding Content0ptimizer, 0ptinEngine, WebsiteFX, Lounge Beats Music Tracks and Instant S0cial Branding.
Now these are soft'ware that come with salesp'age and sal'es videos that you can rebrand and start selli'ng as you own. Pretty cool, right?
On top of all these, you will get Email Ma'rketing Expert Traini'ng, PinMatrix Pro Pinterest marke'ting app with Developers license and our S0cialNeos Pro WordPress plugin with Devel'opers license.
And when you decide to upgr'ade to the OT'Os of Pixamattic, you’ll also get Sh0p Tr'affic Training a'cess, Mobile App Spy Pro research desk'top s0ftware and our Adse'nse Dragon Training a'cess.
This is a really big pack of useful train'ing and s0ftware to0ls.
Make sure you pick up Pixamattic with early b'irds disc0unt using m'y li'nk. When you do that, you’ll be able to get ins'tant ac'ess to the Pixamattic and my b0nus inside jvz portal.
Let me know if you have any questions at all.