NewsX Diamond FREE Upgrade access will be revoked tonight.
And you really NEED to get the NewsX Diamond upgrade when you pick up NewsProfixPro.
Thing is, all the claims of NewsProfixPro news-sites makings hunders in commission aren't really 100% applied to everyone... ...UNLESS you're using the NewX Diamond Upgrade (free till midnight EST).
Using NewX Diamond FREE Upgrade and NewsProfixPRO you will:
- Learn to build & FLIP these news-sites for thousands every week and actually make real money, faster than ads or commissions. (FREE UPGRADE)
- Get NewsX ContentVault to auto add more real content, that no one else is publishing on their News-Sites, without actually writing it. (FREE UPGRADE)
- Turn news articles into audio podcasts and share on podcast sites for free traffic + charge more when FLIPPING your news-sites. (FREE UPGRADE)
I'm going to have to remove the NewsX Diamond upgrade tonight EST though, to avoid giving it away to too many people. Last few hours.
Download The NewsX Diamond Upgrade FREE with NewsProfixPro HERE Before Midnight!