HOLY MOLY the leaderboard is going nuts!
We have a new winner and our conversions are still kicking ass on FE and across the board.
If you’re on the fence, now is the time to mail.
Price frozen till midnight 20th and then it goes up by $2 and we’ll have a new coupon for the last 24 hours.
21st CLOSING DETAILS: Price will be $36.00 with a $6 coupon code get6off.
The sales page will have a $4 coupon so when you mail with your $6 coupon you’ll get an edge and make more sales.
You existing coupons will be updated to $6 and I’ll get you new custom coupons as well.
Make sure you add a new bonus and hit the closing twice at least.
CLOSING 48 hour Contest: Max gross wins! Push those OTO1 sales and it’ll be an easy one.
#1 - $1000 #2 - $500 #3 - $300
Contest starts at 12:01am EST on 20th may & ends 11:59pm EST on 21st May
Day #4 Leaderboard so far:
#1 Paul Okeeffe & Richard Fairbairn: And here we are! 9 Sales ahead of the #2 tie. I know you’ve got a big closing bonus panned!
#2 TIE: Who’s breaking this and going back to #1? Just 9 sales Todd Gross & Paul Ponna Andrew Darius
#3 Jimmy Kim: From #5 to #3 gunning for the #1 spot. Watch out everyone!
#4 Karthik Ramani & Neil Napier: Keeping comfortable at #4 but not too far from top-3 boys. Hit it once more time today and you’re up there.
#5 Cyril Gupta & Brad Stephens: Some conversions! Planning on a solid 2 day closing yea?
#6 Sam Bakker & Sam Robinson: I know you’ve got something good coming up for next 2 days closing. Excited!
#7 Ben Murray & Ankur Shukla: Not too far off top-5 boys!
#8 Radu & Gee Sanghera: Back in top-10. High-5! A quick push and you’re in top-5 easy.
#9 Mike from Maine: Climbed up one spot and holding it there!
#10 Peter Beattie: Not too far and I know you’ve got something nice for the closing!
#11 David Kirby & Billy Darr #12 Vick Carty & Ray Lane #13 Brett Ingram & Mo Latif #14 Han Fan & Joshua Zamora #15 Venkata Ramana
And just outside top-15 are: Ali G & Stoica, Alex Costan, Kevin Byrne, Alex Weber, Bertus Engelbrecht, Glynn Kosky, Team YouZign, Ariel Sanders, Matt Strey, Uddhab Pramanik, Adam Payne, Adam Wong, BCBiz Team, Franz Reinthaler, Matt Martin, Vidonair, Daniel Adetunji, Lee Pennington, Harshal & Rohan, Paul English and more!
Todays Swipe with new angle ____________________
[Last 6 hours] - $5 discount coupon expiring soon!
It’s the very last reminder for you to get VidBuilderFX with a special $5 off as the discount coupon is expiring in next 6 hours.
So just pick it up here right now along with my exclusive bonus pack.
Get VidBuilderFX + Bonuses right here $5 off coupon: get5off
And once you pick it up then don’t forget to subscribe to the OTOs too for more benefits.
OTO1 Salespage & access
VidBuilderFX in a nutshell:
VidBuilderFX is an Adobe air based desktop software that creates curated videos by putting together trending video clips from Facebook & YouTube, editing them and then publishes them natively on your Facebook FanPage, profile or group automatically.
Here’s why this is important for you?
Facebook is aggressively getting into videos in 2017 and has recently started running ads in-between the videos that you publish, just like YouTube does.
They are planning to share the revenue with publishers too, just like YouTube videos.
So you now get paid a juicy cut of Facebook’s advertising revenue on every video you publish…
…And the more views your video gets, the more money you get paid from ads that Facebook displays inside your video.
And there are no copyright issues too:
Since all these videos are publicly available so there’s no tension of copyright issues. Additionally, you can also create a slide automatically that gives proper credits to the video source, making them perfectly fine to use.
And here’s the perfectly crafted bonus pack for you to get the most out of your purchase of VidBuilderFX.
I guess this makes it a complete no-brainer deal now!
So here’s what you need to do next:
Pick up VidBuilderFX right here with my special discount and bonus pack:
Get VidBuilderFX + Bonuses here $5 off coupon: get5off
Also make sure you upgrade to the OTO for a better experience.
OTO1 Salespage & access
You can dig out the details about the bonus pack right here.
Your BONUS Pack
Your bonuses would be automatically delivered inside JVZ.