Hey guys…
…Abhi Dwivedi here. We go LIVE tomorrow at 9:00AM EST!
AdExpress prelaunch is kicking butt. Tons of people are getting pumped up and we’re hard coding every single optin.
The Prelaunch contest is still wide open…$500 to anyone with max optins.
So far, Cyril ‘Jeet’ Gupta is leading the pack closely followed by others
We go LIVE tomorrow, 28th Jan @ 9:00AM EST
Bonuses are ready Swipes are ready Sales Page Preview is ready Review access is ready
Funnel is solid and the copy is going to be delivering double-digits conversions as always.
Grab your JVZoo affiliate links here: https://www.jvzoo.com/affiliates/info/199729
Salespage preview: http://www.AdExpress.io/jv/preview.html
Swipes with multiple angles and a proper 5-figure promo schedule is here: http://www.AdExpress.io/jv/tools.html
Maximum leads for prelaunch contest: anyone who sends maximum leads/optins from 26th Jan till 28th Jan 28am EST wins $500.
Again, if you have received review access, please ping me on Skype and I’ll get you setup with AdExpress asap.
Mark you calendar for:
Tomorrow, 28th January: Launch @ 9am EST
Ping me on Skype if you need anything at all. Skype: techabhi1
Abhi Dwivedi