Hey guys,
Abhi Dwivedi here and I’m super excited to be finally back in office after a long holiday. I hope you had a good one yourself.
2015 was a wonderful year. With multiple six figure launches and a very consistent double-digit conversions on all our products, I’ve never been more prouder of our team and more grateful to you guys for everything you’ve done for me. Thank you so much…let’s make 2016 100X more EPIC!
Now since the launch of Adsviser (FB ads analytics app), we have been communicating and gathering tons of feedback from our customers and one of the biggest problem they face is creating the right kind of graphics…the ad image…to use with their paid ads campaign.
- Getting the right image dimensions is not easy for everyone - Getting the right kind of pattern interrupt isn’t easy - What do they write or put on the Ad image? - Designing is a nightmare for customer
and so on and so forth.
So we decided to do something about it and since we were already working on a graphics app, we turned the wheels and started working on a full fledged Ads graphics designer SaaS for Facebook ads, Twitter ads, Pinterest Ads, Instagram ads and pretty much any kind of ads image your customer would want to create.
Check out the demo video on our JV page here:
=>> http://www.AdExpress.io/jv
We are finally ready to bring this into the market after tons of testing and adding new templates and new features. The launch date is 28th January and the prelaunch beings on 26th January.
We’re HARD CODING your customers!
Yep…every single lead you send our way, we’ll be hard coding them and tagging them with your JVZoo affiliate link, so whenever they make a purchase with us, you get credited. This is SUPER important if you’d want to take home a big chunk of the $10,000 in JV prize money.
More details to follow but I’ll be reaching out to everyone personally soon and getting you access to AdExpress so you can try it yourself and see how badass this thing really is.
Everything is on the JV page here: http://www.AdExpress.io/jv
Please, do let me know what you’ve got coming out this month and this year. I look forward to working with you this 2016.
Abhi Dwivedi AdExpress.io/jv