Kartel essentially is a combination of software + training that helps you find YouTube channels that aren’t monetised and then creates adwords compliant "Static" pages where you can place an auto-webinar video where a Professional marketer will sell your traffic onto a "High-Ticket" offer, earning you upwards of $500 per sale.
Watch Kartel + Kartel Elite Demo & Get $100 Google Adwords Credit Upgrade!
The idea behind Karte system is that you still need to create google ads and run PPC campaigns and pay for them.
- ...So you’ll need to spend money on ads.
- ...PLUS you need bonus pages.
- ...And you need good offers to promote.
- ...And you need free products to giveaway to your customers
With Kartel + Kartel Elite you ALSO get free $100 Google Adwords credit, so you really don’t have to spend anything on the Ads.
All of the above is included Kartel Elite pack, including $100 Google Adwords credits and a bunch more to make sure you are able to take action and make sales unlike others.
Go here and pick up Kartel + Kartel Elite Free Pack:https://www.Abhineos.com/kartel
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