Videos are huge on Facebook…
…but there’s a little problem!
80% of the videos on Facebook
are watched without sound.
You audience is not listening to
you…at all!
That’s exactly why you need to
put sub-titles or captions on ALL
your videos RIGHT now!
But writing sub-titles is a pain
in the butt…unless you’re using
It goes live today at 11am EST.
Check out the demo and samples
http://www.AbhiNeos.com/recastlyWith Recastly you can upload a
video and it will automatically turn
the audio inside the video into
sub-titles for you.
It’s as simple as that!
Now when Recastly goes live today,
everyone will be mailing you can
offering you some crapy PLR bonus
that won’t be of much use.
BUT when you pick this up from my
list at 11am EST today, you get 2
of my in-house software.
I’m going to offer you 2 in-house
software that we use to get free traffic
using videos.
These software are going to massively
help you get more out of Recastly and
let you do more, giving you an unfair
advantage over everyone else to picks
up Recastly today.
Bonus Software #1:
Content Rewriter PROWith Recastly you can convert your
videos audio into text and captions.
The next best thing to do with those
captions is to export them and turn
them into “articles” that you can use
in your blogs, video description or for
content marketing. This is HUGE and
will save you hours of time when
creating articles.
Bonus Software #2:
VIDSite Builder PROYou have the videos, you have the
articles and your videos have captions
as well.
Now build amazing video sites featuring
adsense and amazon ads, unique web
pages and auto-optimised SEO.
With VIDSite Builder you can create tons
of SEO optimised, ad enhanced video
sites using your own or videos from youtube
in just a few minutes.
And…to top it up, I’m also including
these bonus apps as well when you
pick up Recastly today from my link:VideoDRILL Whitelabel
VideoSales Blueprint
Simple Social Expandable Resellers
Instant Content Resellers
OTO Upgrade Bonuses
Social Post Suite Whitelabel
VidNeos AutoVideo Theme Whitelabel
WP ViralClick Resellers
Video Sales Authority Training
Make sure you check out Recastly
and all my bonuses and pick it up
from my link at 11am EST sharp to
get access to all my exclusive bonuses.
Here’s full scoop about Recastly
and my bonuses.Cheers,
Abhi Dwivedi
Team VineaSX