I wanted to drop in and welcome you once again to ClipsReel. We're super excited to have you onboard.
In the next couple of weeks, we'll be rolling out tons of brand new features and system upgrades, for free. ClipsReel is going to be a mammoth of a video creation tool and we're so excited for you. Now, about that subject line...
I'm giving away a Video Ads Checklist (the start to finish YouTube Ad setup checklist) as well as 2 other bonuses to you!
All you have to do to get the bonuses is register for the live training I'm holding tomorrow, 21st August Tuesday at 8pm Eastern and show up ready to learn how to turn $1 into $8 using YouTube Ads.
Claim your seat here >> https://www.AbhiNeos.com/training
When you show up and attend live you will also get free access to my Video Ad Scripting Guide (fill in the blank template) and a sweet case study all about selling physical products using these types of YouTube ads.
No strings attached. Just show up live and ready to learn how to turn $1 into $4-8 over and over again.
When you attend the live call you'll get those bonuses to ensure you get the most out of the training!
Now, like I said, on the call we'll be breaking down a rinse and repeat system for getting 4-8x ROI using simple slideshow videos that you can create using ClipsReel in minutes (this works in any niche).
It is a drop dead simple process and it works for both newbies and advanced marketers.
Having just one of these simple video campaigns up (with just 400 views a day) could earn you up to 1200 bucks a month.
This isn't like anything you've seen before and it isn't something you want to miss.
Click Here to Claim your seat for the call at 8pm Eastern on tomorrow, 21st August.
See you there!