VoiceBuddy and SpeechPro go live in 3 hours from now, at 9am EST today. All it takes are just 3 steps:
Step 1: Select a language and voice you want to use.
Step 2: Paste your text & adjust the voice tone/accent you want.
Step 3: Click the create button.
That’s it – those 3 steps will have you creating your next realistic human-like voice-over in seconds.
>> See VoiceBuddy & SpeechPro in DEMO!
VoiceBuddy is possibly the only app out there that creates such human-like voice-overs with so much ease.
But there's a lot of features missing from VoiceBuddy that I wish they had built in for us marketers.
You would still need a video creator and spinner, you'll need an audio player for your website, more voice tones and ability to create webpages that talk to your visitors.
None of that is included in VoiceBuddy but available as part of SpeechPro Suite.
And today, when you pick up VoiceBuddy at 9am EST, I'll give your SpeechPro Suite as a FREE Upgrade.
See Full Scoop on VoiceBuddy & SpeechPro Suite Free Upgrade here:
Thes go live today at 9am EST, 3 hours from now.