Friend Create and run 100+ FB Live Videos without doing anything.
Listen, posting regular content on FB is just isn’t enough anymore. You need to show up on top...and the fastest way to do that is by doing live videos.
FB sends out a notification to everyone of you followers and fri'ends and even group me'mbers when you do LIVE videos, bringing you instant traffic.
And people love to engage on LIVE videos…g'etting you more c'licks on your c'all-to-acti0n le'ading to more 'buyers traffic and sal'es.
All you need to do is do 5-10 LIVE videos every day f0r y0ur followers. Find popular trending videos in your sub-niches, downlo'ad them to your computer and then schedule them to be live-casted on your FB and other social media profiles while you’re sleeping or doing something else.
LiveCaster3 desktop app lets you go live using pre-recorded videos.
^^See the kind of traffic you can get with live videos!
LiveCaster3 is a desktop based app that lets you cast any video as a live video on FB pages, groups and profiles right from your desktop with full control over everything.
This is one straight forward, easy to use live-casting desktop app.
Using LiveCaster3 you can:
[+] Pick up any pre-recorded video and cast it ‘live’ on Facebook or YouTube.
[+] Lets you select the playback quality you want so you can pick up optimum playback f0r y0ur internet speed.
[+] Super easy to use! You w0n’t be wasting time trying to figure out things.
[+] Supports scheduling. Cast your videos at any time you want without being t'here.
[+] Cast live videos to Facebook groups, Facebook pages, Facebook personal profiles and YouTube channels.
[+] Supports & converts from a variety of video f0rmats in any size.
[+] Cast multiple videos at the same time. Two or even three videos simultaneously.
[+] Casts direct from your computer, g'ets you the best results for SEO and rankings.
How is it different from LIVEreel? LIVEreel is a fully cloud based app while LIVEcaster3 is a desktop app. If you prefer to use a desktop app with more control over running and managing your live-casting.
Now I’m going to help you do 10X more than everyone else who’s going to use LiveCaster3. I want you to g'et an edge over everyone else and that’s why I’m going to give you access' to my powerful Video Marke'ting Apps b0nus kit so you can start g'etting more traffic and sal'es in real. He're’s what you g'et:
NEW BONUS InstaZon Product Wizard (last few copies) Discover hidden products that rule multiple niches and can unlock huge value for you with the least amount of competition.
NEW BONUS WP AMZ Stores (last few copies) Upload it and set up a Wordpress affiliate store in less than 10 minutes. Pick any niche, fill it with products, and set it up to get fresh products on 100% autopilot forever.
1) Inkscape PRO (Client Usage Access') A very powerful vector graphics editing application which creates vector graphics without much need for an 'advanced graphics artists to take control of the controls.
2) Mobile eCommerce Simplified (Whitelabel License) This mobile eCommerce video course explains how to create user-fri'endly, mobile optimized web stores in less than 24 hours.
3) Image C0llector (Client Usage Access') Now you can harvest images from Google image search easily. Just put in the search term and this powerful app will g'et you 100s of images in a matter of minutes.
4) Keywords Goldmine Jeet (Client Usage Access') Finds if t'here are videos on the front page of Google for any keyword and tells you which keywords don't have a video on Google page '#1.
5) List Mail Jeet (Client Usage Access') How would you like to send a mail to your customers automatic'ally when they sign up to a list? List mail Jeet is a very simple tool that allows you to send th0usands of emails to your list with N0 c0st at all.
6) FB Le'ad Capture (Whitelabel License) Create Awesome Captures Pages in Your WordPress Blog Using a simple 3 step system, you can create unli'mited custom landing pages using the easy to use 'admin option panel on all of your wordpress blogs.includes developer license.
7) Optin Fire (Whitelabel License) Optin Fire allows you to build entire ma'rketing campaigns, from sal'es letters, landing pages, video pages, and much more.
OTO Only B0nuses:
8) Social Media Images Creation (Reseller license) You will discover what exact tools to use f0r y0u social media activity to create high converting images for different purposes and platf0rms without losing tons of time or m0ney on outsourcing or expensive designers and fre'elancers.
9) YT Rank Analyzer (Whitelabel License) With the help of this software you can discover how you can dominate YouTube to build massively targ'eted list f0r fre'e. You just need to enter one or more keyword phrases and let the software find the best keyword to targ'et for the traffic.
10) Video Dub Pro (Client Usage Access') Video Dub is a fre'e video editing software which lets you delete unwanted parts from video files without re-encoding. And "without re-encoding" means without loosing original quality!!! This is lossless video editing, which is very fast.
Pick Up LiveCaster3 With my Video Marke'ting Apps b0nus kit 'here:
T'here’s an optional upgr'ade c'alled PRO for 47 bucks w'here you g'et new features like Livecast multiple videos simultaneously, Import unli'mited videos for livecasting, Re'adym'ade Marke'ting Website with Paypal integration, g'et licenses for 3 computers, VPS License gives you the right to run it on a VPS, g'et 2 years of fre'e upgr'ades, Powerful livecasting training, Livecast on UNLI'MITED Facebook pages, on UNLI'MITED profiles, to UNIMITED YouTube Channels, Livecasts videos of any length and Powerful livecasting training for unli'mited videos for livecasting.
If you’ve got any questions at all, email me back and I’ll help you out personally.
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