How to use VoiceBuddy in your business?
Want to create videos without creating content?
See, there are thousands of articles out there. All you need to do is convert those articles into natural, human-like voice overs and then use any of ReelApps software to create videos or just use powerpoint.
In fact, you can turn any article or script or blog post into human-like narration and voice over in 141 different voices and 33 languages and dialects within minutes.
That’s exactly what VoiceBuddy and SpeechPro Suite does.
Now here's the thing...VoiceBuddy is great but there's a lot of features missing from VoiceBuddy that I wish they had built in for us marketers.
You would still need a video creator and spinner, you'll need an audio player for your website, more voice tones and ability to create webpages that talk to your visitors.
None of that is included in VoiceBuddy...
...but available as part of SpeechPro Suite.
And today, when you pick up VoiceBuddy with their lifetime account deal, I'll give your SpeechPro Suite as a FREE Upgrade.
Do yourself a favor and get VoiceBuddy with SpeechPro Suite and get the right tools to do more. I'm only going to give this away free for next 24 hours.
Get VoideBuddy and SpeechPro Suite Upgrade FREE here:
Got questions or need help with content creation? Email me and I'll help you out.