The NewsX Diamond lets you do more than the NewsProfixPro app.
Fact is, NewsProfixPro app isn't all that great.
Now don't get me's a perfect good cloud app to build News-Style websites that can be easily monetised.
But in reality, you won't make "Instant Money" like they claim...UNLESS you're using the NewX Diamond Upgrade (free today).
Using NewX Diamond FREE Upgrade and NewsProfixPRO you will:
- Learn to build & FLIP these news-sites for thousands every week and actually make real money, faster than ads or commissions. (FREE UPGRADE)
- Get NewsX ContentVault to auto add more real content, that no one else is publishing on their News-Sites, without actually writing it. (FREE UPGRADE)
- Turn news articles into audio podcasts and share on podcast sites for free traffic + charge more when FLIPPING your news-sites. (FREE UPGRADE)
Get The NewsX Diamond Upgrade FREE with NewsProfixPro HERE!