Subject: Friend, Are you undervaluing your 🎻 talent?

Hey Friend,

I resonate to this quote in many levels, but with violin in particular I relate it terms of practice.

Have you noticed that when we practice or share our work in progress with others, we often only see what we do wrong?  I hear this all the time with my clients.

More often than note, they apologize profusely for what they did wrong and are blinded by this. What about all the things that they do right?

When I see this happen, I ask them to say 3 positive things they liked about their performance for every 1 thing they said they did wrong.

You should see the surprise in their eyes! This is an excellent way to brake out that negative pattern.

I challenge you: For any mistake you catch yourself cringing about or self-judging, find 3 things you did right... or more if you can!

Then tell me how you feel ;) It is not too late to join our FB group and the Imperfect Challenge!

This will be an ongoing challenge and you can join at any time. Just make sure to confirm you e-mail address in the questions so I can approve you, as this is by invitation only for now. Many women just like you are working on their creativity with this challenge. Come and see what they are doing every week ;). I'm about to upload my second post if you are curious ;)

Never. Stop. Playing!


P.S. Black Friday is coming! I have a surprise offer coming up soon. Don't miss it!

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