Subject: You're invited to a free Violin Café Improv Workshop!

Interested in having some fun with your violin? Come have some fun on this free Workshop!


to the Violin Bootcamp!


Hi Friend,

My name is Marlene and I’m the creator of the Violin Bootcamp. I want to thank you once again for submitting your application.

I created the  Violin Bootcamp as  a practice challenge to help women rediscover their  passion for violin with a simple and sustainable  practice system that they can adapt to their  busy lifestyle.

The response has been  AMAZING. I’m currently still receiving applications and doing Transformation Sessions with interested women just like you. If I have already met you in person, I want to thank you and say it was really wonderful meeting you!

During the past few weeks speaking to all these amazing women I have learned so much about the main obstacles you are all facing.  The same challenges that I have had to overcome myself during my career.

Among them are lack of:




 If you haven't had the opportunity to speak with me in person, you can still take advantage of your Transformation Session by booking HERE

Inspired by the conversations I've had with several of you, I have decided to create an impromptu free Violin Cafe Improv Workshop for you.

Come have some relaxed fun with your violin in a guided improv. creative workshop.
Meet me and ask me questions about the violin bootcamp
Meet other likeminded women who like you are looking to reconnect with their violin.

No previous experience on improvisation required. If you can play on first position, you are all set! The techniques we will use are exploratory and creative, without the need for advanced technical knowledge.

This is meant to be a fun, creative opportunity to:

  •  Reconnect with your creativity and your violin

  •  introduce myself and the Violin Bootcamp

  •  answer some of your questions

  •  relax and have fun!

When: Monday November 16, 2020

Time: We are all over US and Canada, so there are two times to choose from!
RSVP here: Schedule
Limited space, as this is an interactive workshop.

What to bring: Your Violin and your creativity :).

A zoom link will be provided when you RSVP

Looking forward to see you there!

Never. Stop. Playing!


🎻 I help busy women rediscover their passion for violin in less than 10 minutes per day.

😉  20+ years of Experience

❦   See If You Qualify in 60s⤵︎

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