Subject: What are women saying about the Violin Bootcamp? Case Study

See what Gloria has to say about her experience with the Violin Bootcamp.

Hi Friend,

📣 I want you to meet Gloria.

When we first met, she  told me her biggest challenge was struggling to find time to practice violin now that she was a young professional,  and no longer had the flexibility of being a  student.  Adult life and its responsibilities had taken over…  Between her demanding full time job and family life, it was hard to find the hours of practice she was used to when she did her Music Degree. 

She had made the decision… enough was enough. . But where to start?  She joined the Violin Bootcamp. 

Gloria  was skeptical at first… She didn’t believe she could really adapt a violin session to an online  environment. She also was struggling to figure out how to find enough valuable practice time on top of her busy schedule without feeling overwhelmed.

Can you blame her?! 😬

But the pain of not being able to enjoy her violin  was too much and she went all in.

Being a full time professional…  it wasn’t easy! But she is a Resilient Violinist.  She made a commitment to herself and followed the program.

😍 And then one day… everything clicked! The small increments of practice time paid off.

Recently she told me: -"What I loved about this challenge is that I was able to have quality practice time. I often over study and end up wasting a lot of time. The app helps me keep track so I don’t sidetrack my practice time. I really love the app and it’s functionality. Very well developed and designed. It helps organize practice time and improve fast. The app and program are designed for people like us, who do not have much time to practice, thus the app becomes handy.” - Gloria 👏 .


You can watch her full testimonial here: Video Testimonial

If you’re a busy woman struggling with finding time to practice your violin  and want to finally adopt a sustainable practice system to keep playing in the long run...

👇 Comment below with  ”I have 7 minutes to invest in myself”  NOW to reserve your spot. 

Wouldn’t you love to be my NEXT success story? 

Never. Stop. Playing.


P.S. Interested learning more about my coaching program?

Feel free to reply to this e-mail with any questions or book a free Transformation Session Here

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