Subject: Second chance to attend! Free Improvisation Workshop this Saturday

A few of you reached out wondering when you could join the next workshop, so I decided to repeat this weekend.

Hi Friend,

A few of you reached out after last week's invitation to the "Free Improvisation Workshop"
To be fair, I gave you very little notice to sign up for that, so I decided to repeat the workshop this coming Saturday at 7 pm.

I will be adding new material so the session is not identical to last week, but it will be just as easy to follow. This time we will be working with more loops and back tracks, still keeping simple an easy to follow elements that will allow you to participate even if you are a beginner or new to improvisation.

To sign up you simply have to RSVP in the button below. I'm keeping space limited as the workshop is interactive and I want everyone to have a chance to participate. I'm planning a few more free events in the next two weeks to give you a chance to get to know me and the Violin Bootcamp program and community.

For now, if you want to come and relax for a bit, experimenting with your violin RSVP below:


P.S. I'm opening a new session for the Violin Bootcamp on June 15. Two levels: Beginner and intermediate +. More information about this tomorrow! Feel free to reply if you have questions.

Never stop playing,

Marlene Cruz Lozano

Violinist | Teaching Artist | Music Consultant

Instagram: @marlenecruzlozano

FB: @ViolinistOttawa

Our latest single: Listen Here

🎻 I help busy women rediscover their passion for violin in less than 10 minutes per day.

😉  20+ years of Experience

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