Subject: Playing Violin Again? How To Have Long Term Success.

Over the next week I will be providing you with some personal insights, resources and strategies that will help you succeed in the long run.

Hi Friend,

Over the past few weeks, I’ve had many meaningful conversations and insights from  the women I work with at the Violin Bootcamp.  Listening to what they want, what they need, what makes them inspired or what makes them struggle has made me  reflect on my own progress.

Whenever we decide to re-take a long lost passion or set ourselves up with a new goal like playing violin again after a long break, learning a new skill or even losing weight,  the general approach is to start with a ton of excitement and energy. 

We’re excited and fired up!  We’ve made a desicion. We will do this thing we have set our minds to do!  And we set ourselves up on our personal quest to reach our destination. 

But what happens after a few weeks when the initial excitement wears off?  When regular life creeps in? How can you actually make this project last in the long run, without letting guilt, lack of time or everyday life interfere with your success?

The best analogy I can find is that of lighting a match. The initial spark is quick, bright and useful. But if we don’t use it to light up a candle or a bigger fire it will burn out and quickly die off. 

You see... matches are meant to turn on something bigger, deeper within you.  Not to last forever.

I know, because I have been there… both fired up and burned out. More than once… But that is a whole other story… Perhaps for tomorrow...

After my last few coaching sessions I have been asking myself: How have I persevered? 

To be honest… It has NOT been easy.  But somehow, just like the fenix, I’ve found ways to rise from the ashes and start all over again.

How have I been doing this though?  And more importantly, how have I managed for this to not be a struggle any more? And how can I use this to help my clients succeed in the long run?

I’ve decided to set on a personal quest to document and discover what helps me keep the fire going so how I can help you better.

Over the next week I will be providing you with some personal insights, resources and strategies that will help you re-ignite that initial spark but most importantly keep the fire going long term. I want to see you succeed. Keep an eye open!

Never. Stop. Playing!


P.S. If you are interested in learning more,  you can still come and ask me in person tonight or tomorrow during my open office hours.  Get access below.

P.P.S Early Bird registration for the Violin Bootcamp Challenge ends tomorrow ad midnight! Sign up below! (Full information for the challenge on my previous email)

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