Subject: How on earth did these busy women managed to keep playing violin with their busy lifestyle?

See what the Resilient Violinist Community is like!

“How on EARTH did these Busy Women manage to keep playing violin with their busy lifestyle?!”

Answer: Probably NOT how you’d think…

❌They didn’t try to “figure it out” on their own... 

 They didn’t follow random Youtube tutorials…

❌They didn’t try to clear all their schedule to fit practice on hours on end... 

✅ They followed a tried and tested system…

The same system I’ve used with the entire Resilient Violinist  community...

✅ Simplify your practice using my “7 Minutes Power Routines” for violin.

✅ Adapt it to your Busy Lifestyle.

Learn to Balance technique and creativity

✅ Learn to practice effectively 
✅ Increase your positive mindset and focus
✅ Prevent frustration or injuries from over practice.

If you’re sick of  neglecting your violin  passion  and are ready to take back control...
Now you can join the Violin Bootcamp Breakthrough Practice System, and get the 6 week challenge included plus a lot more!

I will not let you fail.
In the first 6 weeks, we’ll kick start your progress with my signature Challenge The Violin Bootcamp.

You can choose between joining the next Guided challenge starting July 18, or doing the self-guided option to start whenever you want!

Once you’ve made that quick progress, you’ll leverage the close support, community and app tutorials to create and maintain:


👉 the right mindset, 

👉 the right habits 

👉 the right lifestyle

so you make consistent changes... and never go back to neglecting your violin passion.

Does that sound exciting to you? 😃

It’s that simple.

Never. Stop. Playing!


PS: Doors closing on July 15 at midnight, so if this sounds like you, don’t wait!

Sign up Now

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