Subject: Exclusive Black Friday Offer: 50% Off Violin Bootcamp 🎶

Bonus Premium Content: Create your Music Portfolio!

Blowout Has Started!

Ladies, rediscover  your passion for violin in less than 10 minutes per day with the Violin Bootcamp App!

Get a 50% discount access to my Membership (+Coaching) exclusive content and Facebook Community for support and sharing your progress for only $39 /month.

Cancel Any time

“I joined the Violin Bootcamp because I had been out of practice for years, and I needed something to get me back in gear. I realized that I had a solid base, but that I wasn’t where I wanted to be. I wasn’t confident playing in front of others. Now, I can say that I happily play in front of audiences, and that I have the skills to pick up a new piece and just play! Thank you for everything you have done for me Marlene ” 

- Claire 

Take a Sneak peak into the Web App features on your browser!

What's included this Black Friday Offer:

What’s included in the Violin Bootcamp App Membership (+Coaching)?

  • 6-Week Technique Challenges

  • 7-Minute Power Routines Vault

  • Stretching and Conditioning Exercises for String players

  • Vibrato Basics Course

  • The Violin Lab for Creativity and Improvisation

  • Monthly Group Coaching Calls

  • A Supportive Online Community

  • Unlimited Asynchronous Feedback on Your Work via our private in-app community!


Black Friday Only Special Bonus: (Limited time only)

Sign up today and get Lifetime Access to our Exclusive Facebook Community "Resilient Violinist" normally only accessible to Monthly and Premium Members. Here you can post your questions to get them answered by me personally. Click below to start!

Never. Stop. Playing!


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