Subject: Day 12: Friend Join me on Zoom today! (One last routine: F minor pentatonic)

Did you have trouble doing the challenge? Let me help you find out why. Join our zoom today!

Hello Friend

Good morning ! Live zoom today, invite below.

Day 12 is here! I want to take the time to send Kudos to Elizabeth, one of my current members for ending strong!

Liz, I'm always so proud of you and impressed by your resilience, determination and joy. You inspire us every day. You can see her comments about the challenge here on IG

Keep going! As promised, here is Day 12: F pentatonic minor routine for today. It does have a review of A flat (Sorry mates! ;) ) 

I will be on zoom today at 12:00 EST and 7 pm EST for anyone who wants to chat a little, troubleshoot, and get a plan... or if you found yourself disappointed because you thought you would do more of the challenge and didn't...

Don't despair! It takes time to strengthen, change and build habits.

If you keep wanting to do this, but you don't know how this is why I'm here.

Come have a virtual coffee today with me. If you can't today, that's ok. I'm preparing another free workshop coming up. Just keep an eye out.

I'll send an e-mail invitation, as well as post on FB and IG. But if you want to join me today, I've opened up two times in my calendar.

 You can RSVP here: 

Hope to see you there! Marlene

Never. Stop. Playing!



If you want active feedback from me, and work together with other like-minded women join our Facebook group here:

If you enjoy the challenge, here is a free trial to unlock the full app for 14 days so you can keep exploring! Cancel any time.

You can find the Day 1 to start the challenge now.

Lesson and downloads for this week for free here:

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