Subject: Friend, have you joined our FB group yet?

The Imperfect Series Challenge has started! Join us for some inspiration!

Hi Friend,

The first week of the Imperfect Series Challenge is here! Some of my clients have already started posting fun and amazing takes of things that inspire them.

If you are curious about what the challenge is about, see my Facebook post here explaining the challenge

And you can see my first own post here where I decided to record the beautiful (some times consider among wedding musicians infamous) Canon in D

Why the Canon you may ask?

Simply to motivate myself to practice it! Since this is one of the most requested pieces of music in Weddings, it can become a piece that feels much overplayed and we can be less motivated to practice it just for the fun of it. It is still such a beautiful piece of music.

Only when you have been a wedding violinist for as long as I have, it can get tiresome to play... just ask my guitarist Rob MacSpurren! He can get tired of playing the same 4 note baseline and chord progression over and over... and over again ;)

 So I decided to pretend I was playing in an ensemble with myself, opened Garage band, and just recorded it as a canon with 4 voices and shared the best two ;)

It was a simple fun way to start getting prepared for the Christmas Wedding season! And it made it more fun to practice this way.

Some of the Resilient Violinist have started posting their own "Imperfect Series" with fun versions like St. Anne Reel and the Sound of Silence!

What will you post if you join us? We can't wait to see!

To join our Facebook Group go here:

Don't forget to enter the e-mail you have received this invitation so I can approve your request.

We look forward to see you there!

Never. Stop. Playing!


P.D. A great Black Friday Sale is coming! Keep an eye open!

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