Subject: Friend Something new is coming...

If lack of time is what's stoping you, check this out... I've simplified the 6 week challenge even more so time is no longer an issue!

Hi Friend,

Summer is here! I challenge you… 

Isn’t it time to finally take action and retake your violin practice? 

What if you simply made the decision to just do it?  What if you found something that actually worked, even with your ever-changing, busy summer plans and kids at home?

I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out...

I bet you've been trying to find a way to start playing again or even considered joining the next round of my 6 week challenge, but you simply can't find the time to do it...

I bet your summer is packed with fun plans, or if you have family, kids activities, visits to the pool or family BBQ's... 

But what if you could actually start to play again even with your summer busy schedule?

What if you could do it in just 7 minutes a day without committing to any schedules and still get results?

Summer is here. Isn't it a time for us to re-charge and re-connect?  

Life is always busy. Summer is no exception. Don't let this be an excuse to push you away from your violin again.

But if lack of time is what's stoping you, check this out...  I've simplified the 6 week challenge even more so time is no longer an issue!

I challenge you... Do this for YOU.  

And you don’t have to do it alone… 

I’ll reveal all the details about my brand new, revamped, and more practical than ever program tomorrow at 9:00 am right here in your inbox. 

If you want to know more,  keep an eye on your e-mail.

Never stop playing,

Marlene Cruz Lozano

Violinist | Teaching Artist | Music Consultant

Instagram: @marlenecruzlozano

FB: @ViolinistOttawa

Our latest single: Listen Here


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