Subject: Black Friday Super Sale! Violin Bootcamp.

I had this crazy idea to do a Black Friday Blowout so I can help as MANY women as possible to reconnect with their VIOLIN PASSION in ONLY 6 WEEKS!



I never usually do this…

But there’s a first time for everything…

I’m sharing this for any women passionate about violin having a hard time finding time to practice.

Because I know how you feel...

How are you supposed to  find time for your violin passion  if you are already busy  with daily life responsibilities like studying,  running a household, working full time,  raising your kids... ? 😱

Is it actually possible to adopt a violin practice that you can keep in the long run  without overwhelming your current lifestyle?!  🤯

I bet you’ve tried to start playing violin by yourself  only to feel that you just don’t have enough time to set meaningful practice time aside...  Perhaps you manage to do it for a few weeks, only to give it up and end up feeling guilty and more frustrated, feeling  that nothing has quite worked for you in the long run, right?

Can you really make time for yourself to pursue  your violin passion  without letting the stress of daily life  get in the way of your creativity?   

🤔 And what  should you focus on when you do practice a little?

🤔 Should you even try to play some new etudes or stick to boring scales?

🤔 What about Vibrato?

🤔 Are you doing anything creative with your instrument or always playing technique? How often?


If any (or all) of the above questions run through your head… day after day… I might be able to help.

Hi, my name is Marlene. 👋

And, while I don't claim to know it all, over the past twenty years I HAVE helped many of my students  transform their approach  & mindset towards violin playing by creating a simple and sustainable step by step  practice plan. They call themselves “The Resilient Violinists” 💪

And this week, I’m going to do something I would never normally do…

I’ll be running a Black Friday blowout!

Because… Not that long ago, I was in your shoes.

Those early days were rough.

I was drowning in daily stress. Busy with a demanding job, I was uninspired with my life  and I felt I had absolutely no time for my family and friends...  I felt I could barely take time  for my well being… much less for violin playing!

I missed those days when life was more simple, and  I could simply practice for hours on end… 

Anyways, if that's kinda how you feel right now...

Let me give you a road map, so that you stop hitting dead ends or getting lost on back roads, and instead take the fast lane to playing violin again in a way  that you can be proud of. This is WHY I created the Violin Bootcamp.

Let me show you that “7 minutes a day”  is all it takes to get back on track! 💪

👇 Here is what I’m proposing. 👇

I had this crazy idea to  do a Black Friday Blowout so I can help as MANY women as possible to reconnect with their VIOLIN PASSION  in ONLY 6 WEEKS!

No fluff. No messing around, just a simple plan to take you from feeling rusty and uninspired  to enjoy playing violin again. 

✅ If you are interested in claiming one of the 10  spots available, just e-mail me back with the subject:  “Send me the Black Friday Info!”


P.S. If you are genuinely interested and ready to take action
 I will be following up in person with anyone replying to this e-mail and answering your questions. Just hit reply and you will hear back from me with more information.

Never. Stop. Playing!


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