Subject: Black Friday Blowout Now Open!

Up to 75% off on our violin coaching program! Don't miss out!

Blowout Starts today!


Ladies, rediscover  your passion for violin in less than 10 minutes per day.

💪 The 6 Week Violin Bootcamp Challenge💪

Complimentary Sessions Available

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Ladies, rediscover  your passion for violin in less than 10 minutes per day.

💪 REGISTRATION NOW OPEN:  The 6 Week Violin Bootcamp Challenge💪

Yesterday I revealed information about my 6 Week Violin Bootcamp Challenge to reconnect with your violin and level up in 6 weeks, with less than 10 minutes per day.

The response was AMAZING.

So here’s what’s going to happen…

I am looking for  10 passionate women,  who are sick of  neglecting  their violin  passion  and are ready to commit  and take back control.

On  December 7, 2020,   this group will start working closely with me to learn how to simplify their practice to  level up their playing, while successfully including it in their busy lifestyle. I will not let you fail.

Does that sound exciting to you?

Would you LOVE to stop  procrastinating  and start taking the right steps towards FINALLY starting to play violin again?

Those  10 Black Friday special members will get: 

✅   The 6 Week Violin Bootcamp Challenge  to Kick Start your Progress (Normally $350)

👉 The Challenge follows the 7 Minute Power Routines, which is a unique system to achieve meaningful practice in a short time. It is like HIIT (High Intensity Interval training) for your violin practice.

✅  Violin Bootcamp App  to guide and facilitate your practice

✅   Weekly Group Coaching calls to give you feedback,  support and direction

✅   Exclusive Facebook Community  so you can share your progress.

✅   Accountability Leaderboard to Keep you on Track 

✅  Monthly competitions to keep it fun and engaging.

✅  Growing library of  7 Minutes Power Routines to Maximize Results and save you time.

✅  Monthly workshops  and master classes on interesting topics with experts.

The best part is, you will get all of this for a huge discount because IT’S BLACK FRIDAY! 

“I joined the Violin Bootcamp because I had been out of practice for years, and I needed something to get me back in gear. I realized that I had a solid base, but that I wasn’t where I wanted to be. I wasn’t confident playing in front of others. Now, I can say that I happily play in front of audiences, and that I have the skills to pick up a new piece and just play! Thank you for everything you have done for me Marlene ”  - Claire 

Interested in playing violin again after a long break? 

Book a Complimentary Transformation Session to see if we are a good fit!

Never. Stop. Playing!



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