Subject: Attention Busy Women Violinists!!💪🎻

Do you want to know how to  rediscover your passion for violin with less than 10 minutes per day?! 🤯

Hi Friend,

Do you want to know how to  rediscover your passion for violin with less than 10 minutes per day?! 🤯

If you’ve tried dusting off your violins multiple times only to feel overwhelmed due to lack of time and frustrated because you don’t know what to focus on to improve and just end up giving  it up again... then listen up...

😨 Why's it so nerve-racking to ‘to try new pieces in your instrument or play in front of others]’?

Is the constant battle to try to fit time in your busy schedule for practice  really worth it?

Can you really improve your violin game without spending hours practicing scales or neglecting your daily responsibilities only to give yourself a little bit of creative me time?

🤔 And when should you practice technique? 
🤔 Should you even try learning new pieces by yourself? 
🤔 Are you doing anything creative with your instrument or do you spend all your time on technique?  How often?
🤔 What about self criticizing and over analyzing your playing?


If any (or all) of the above questions run through your head… day after day… I might be able to help.

Hey, it's Marlene here… 👋

And, while I don't claim to know it all, over the past twenty years  I HAVE helped many  busy women  transform their mindset regarding their violin playing  by creating a sustainable step by step action plan. 

They call themselves Resilient Violinists 💪 And yet…

Not that long ago, I was in your shoes.

Those early days were rough...

Even though I have a music degree  and violin is my passion,  life simply  got busy and violin took a back seat.

I'd take a step forward only to take three more back. I was drowning in daily stress and started to have self doubt.  I had taken an appealing but  demanding job that consumed all my time and drained any ounce of creativity out of me. 

I was uninspired with my life  and I felt I had absolutely no time for my family and friends...  I felt I could barely take time  for my well being… much less for violin playing!   I missed those days when life was more simple, and  I could simply practice for hours on end…

Anyways, if that's kinda how you feel right now...

Let me give you a road map, so that you stop hitting dead ends or getting lost on back roads, and instead take the fast lane to playing violin again in a way  that you can be proud of.

Let me show you that “7 minutes a day”  is all it takes to get back on track! 💪

👇 Here is what I’m proposing. 👇

I’m opening up a small number of spaces to work closely with passionate women  who are ready to make a change.

I only work with people,  if I truly believe I can unlock them from  feeling overwhelmed with their busy lifestyle to achieve a simple and sustainable violin practice . 

Why? Because otherwise it’s a waste of both of our time!

If you’re committed… it still won’t be ‘easy’, but it can be simple. 

✅ To claim one of the spots available, comment below with: “I have 7 minutes to invest in myself”  and you’ll be the first to get the link to apply when we officially open in just 24hrs!!

👉 More details to follow tomorrow, on instagram @marlenecruzlozano and

 facebook @ViolinistOttawa  at 9 am EST

Never. Stop. Playing.


P.S. Interested learning more about my coaching program? Feel free to reply to this e-mail with any questions or book a free Transformation Session Here

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