Subject: Do you desire more calm and ease with your animal?

Do you desire more calm and ease with your animal?

May 24th, 2016 at 10:54 am PDT

Healing Your Animal EzineHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You! Ready for calm and ease in your life? I have really been practicing what I teach lately with the grounding and calming. It really does make a difference. And below you will benefit with a ...

More Bridging True Love Connection & Healing between You and Your Animals

April 29th, 2016 at 11:51 am PDT

Healing Your Animal EzineHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You! Are you enjoying Spring? Spring is the time for lots of new growth. Nature is growing with blooming and blossoming all around. I loved capturing this photo for you. A couple weeks ago I ...

NEW: Bridging True Love Connection & Healing between You and Your Animals

April 15th, 2016 at 2:18 pm PDT

Healing Your Animal EzineHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You! Spring is here and time for lots of growth. It so fun hearing the birds chirping, seeing the flowers and trees blossoming. How is growth for you? I am achieving a life-long dream of writi ...

Springing forward more easily...

March 25th, 2016 at 12:32 pm PDT

Healing Your Animal EzineHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You! Spring is here and time for growth. Flowers are blooming and trees are budding. It is the season for a lot of movement. In this time of growth and "spring"ing forward. I invite you to che ...

Helping rescue kittens and cats...

March 18th, 2016 at 10:04 am PDT

Healing Your Animal EzineHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You! As I shared in my last ezine, my daughter and I rescued Spirit and Sapphire. My goal in sharing their experience with you is that you benefit and learn to help your animals live happie ...

Discover how your pet makes you healthier...

March 4th, 2016 at 4:44 am PDT

Healing Your Animal EzineHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You! In my last ezine I shared with you about my 2 new 4 month old kittens. They are enjoying their new cat tree freshly assembled still in the middle of the floor... Sapphire is hanging out i ...

Love comes in many forms...

February 19th, 2016 at 2:09 pm PDT

Healing Your Animal EzineHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You! Valentine's Day is a day devoted to sharing and receiving love. This includes self love. I treated myself to flowers and Godiva dark chocolate this year celebrating me. I smile looking at ...

Discover the connection between your blood pressure and your animal...

February 2nd, 2016 at 4:44 am PDT

Healing Your Animal EzineHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You! February is Valentine's month, so Love is a big focus this month for a lot of people. As I shared in my last ezine, the theme for my business for 2016 is LOVE. My purpose is helping bridg ...

Do you want to know a secret?

January 15th, 2016 at 4:44 am PDT

Healing Your Animal EzineHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You! Is it just me or are you feeling 2016 already moving quickly? The theme for my business for 2016 is LOVE. My purpose is helping bridge true love connection with you and your animals whi ...

Happy New Year! Hear Healing Your Animal broadcasting...

January 2nd, 2016 at 5:35 pm PDT

Healing Your Animal EzineHi Friend, Happy New Year and Healing Vibrations to You! I hope 2016 has started out good for you and your animals. Being dedicated to my purpose helping bridge true love connection with you and your animals while providing ...

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