Subject: ooo la la, More Neck Massage

ooo la la, More Neck Massage
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

I wish a warm welcome to my new ezine subscribers.
In the USA, we had a long weekend to enjoy last weekend. It was my daughters 11th birthday. We had fun bowling, playing badminton, three square and going out for dinner. She loves Outback’s mac-a-roo. (macaroni and cheese). It rained part of the weekend. After all, I do live in Seattle. :-) Living in Seattle, we go on about our life rain or shine. This past weekend was no exception. I saw true Seattlites on my beach walk. There was a mother sitting in her lawn chair holding an umbrella while her daughter was building a sandcastle under it! It was great to see they were having fun in spite of the rain. (I didn’t have my camera with me to get a picture) I have my daughter here getting wet wanting the waves to splash her and a big one drenched her. She was so happy.

Did you catch last ezines tip with neck support? How is that going for you? No worries if you didn’t. We are having more neck massage today. 
Are your cats and dogs having neck issues? You might ask, “How do I tell?” Maybe having trouble turning their head the way they used to? Turning their head chasing their ball that looks odd recently? Scratching their head a lot? Holding their head down lower than normal? They don’t want to hold their head up high? Or maybe your dogs pull a lot on their leash?

If this sounds familiar, you will want to check out this ezine’s tip. And if you know this is something important you want to take further, please get in touch with me for a complementary conversation.
People Vibrations
Featured Essence
Show Me!
Are you ready to claim your authentic self?
Are you ready to receive your next best steps in your life and business?
Are you ready for your next level of growth and personal best?

The Vi Miere Show Me! essence 
opens How to Claim Your Whole Space into your GREATEST Self Aligned with Your Direction and Highest Truth! 

"What I love about the Vi Miere essences and especially the Show Me is how often it calls to me "let me help you". I spray it and pretty quickly I hear something or a tight spot my client is in eases. This essence is not only helping me, its expanding and benefiting my clients as well. In a practical way it provides a way for me to stop and focus. The idea of spraying the bottle is a practical prayer - Show me what is next. Bless me and bring me further forward to where I'm supposed to be heading in my practical world. I use your essences for myself and my dogs on a daily basis. They are a part of who we are and how we are now. Thank you so very much!"
If you desire support with Show Me! in your life, click Spa Essence Specials now.
Animal Vibrations
Featured Essence:
Would you like a simple tool to help your dog have focus and ready for the agility, show, and obedience ring? This also helps your horse perform in your horse events.

Vi Miere’s Performance 
essence assists with better performance and focus while performing at his/her events. If your dog or horse is too excited, this essence helps tone their energy down enough to gain focus and have them in their peak performance zone.

“I brought my Pointer to Vicki after an injury that was impacting our agility competition. Vicki was able to quickly bring Laverne back in shape to be able to continue to compete in agility and to be able to attend the AKC Nationals. We are both currently using Vicki's Performance to alleviate anxiety in competition and this helped us attain our MACH.”

If you desire Performance’s support for you or your animals, click Animal Essence Specials now.
Upcoming Classes
Vibrational Living Healing Group is here!
Wow, what a powerful Vibrational Living Healing Group we have! 

I am so excited to be sharing these experiences with you. 

No worries, if you were unable to be live on the call. A recording of our healing session is provided so you can benefit as many times as you choose to listen in. And when I say you I also mean your furry companions are included too. They feel the energy, are drawn to it and know it is good for them.

Don’t just take my word for it; here is what a participant has to say about it:

“I was feeling anxious about my life and so I decided to participate in the group meditation to relieve some stress and gain clarity by quieting my mind. As the meditation began, I started to really relax. I could actually feel the energy change in the room. My cats must have felt it too because they both joined me on my lap and stayed there throughout the call. I felt calmer and more clear headed afterward. I would recommend Vicki's vibrational group as a way to relax your busy mind and receive the healing energy that you need, even if you aren't sure what that is. It helped bring me back to the present moment which is always where the healing begins.”
Debbie Noyes, Bellevue, WA

Your next Vibrational Living Healing Group

Topic: Expressing Yourself Fully And Freely With Your Personal Power! 

June 12th, 2013
6:00pm Pacific 

*Call-in and web access details will be provided on sign-up.

The more like minded spirits we have, the higher we can raise our vibrations and make an even bigger difference in our world and quality of living. Feel free to invite your friends to join us by sharing this sign-up link:

Client Interest for You!
In the last issue, I introduced IC to you. IC is a Bouvier dog who has been recovering from an incident with a tree. She was running full bore and not looking where she was going and ran right into a tree. As you can imagine that did a number on her neck, shoulders and body as well as her not being sure of herself afterwards. IC has been receiving chiropractic and healing for this. When I saw, she was still being head-shy and not fully extending herself to her full abilities. She was being reserved in her actions.

IC responded well to her session. 

She wasn’t sure at the beginning about how she felt about our time together, she went with it and allowed me to help her. She released trauma from her incident that was still inside. She gained flexibility in her neck and shoulders. Instead of crouching, she was outstretched fully with the muscle guarding gone. She was so relaxed with her eyes closed by the end of her session. She allowed herself to receive to her fullest ability. When she got up from her session, she was jumping up and down and all around full of zest and energy. She was going through her guardian’s legs, and going through her guardian’s legs and going through her guardian’s legs with her own entertainment. She was letting us know how good she felt. It was sure fun to witness. Yay!
The Rest of the Story...
I reached out to see how IC was doing after her session. And here are the reports I received:

One week later:

“It is so good to hear from you in order that I might share our great news. I am thrilled to report that IC has a whole new look on life. The first day after her release by you, she jumped up onto my husband John. She has not done this since her accident. She is also chasing her mother, DC, and our Border Terrier, Bindi, confidently around the yard. I am looking forward to taking her into town and walking her this weekend.

Thanks from both of us for your healing hands!”

Another week later:

“IC is doing fabulous. She jumped up on John just the other day again and she is running around chasing her cousin the last two days, she is initiating play, she is not afraid to get out there and do a little jump, tuck and run so I am very very grateful. We have seen a huge difference in her. Thank you again!”

Mariko Saum
Cobeauche Bouviers
Port Ludlow, WA

Useful Tip for You!
Tip : Another technique to massage your cat or dog’s neck: This tip works especially great for bigger dogs and even horses. Start with both hands in the center (or use one hand at a time) behind the head and take your fingers that are spread a little apart, rubbing down the side of the neck straight down toward the ground. You can feel your fingers fall in between the grooves of the bones into the neck muscles. Follow these grooves. This is good to start lighter with the first pass, go a little deeper and do it two more times (passes). 

See here what I am talking about:
Teaching dog massage to a local 4 H group inspired me to start videos for you. I love teaching techniques that are simple so children and everyone can do them that support your furry friends with a lot of benefit. If 10, 11 and 12 year olds can do it, so can you! :-)
How to take this further...
If you are a person who cares for your cat and dog and want to be sure they are feeling their best, this is only the tip of the iceberg. And it is never too early to begin. Please get in touch with me for a private conversation.

We will assess how we can make sure your cats and dogs are feeling their best. Reach out to Set Up Your Personal Meeting With VickiWe'll find the next best steps for your specific needs.

I look forward to meeting and speaking with you.

Set Up Your Personal Meeting With Vicki

I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to our lives. Bless each moment you have with yours. :-)

Abundance, Joy and Wealth,
Vicki Draper,
International Vibrational Energy Healing Expert for You and Your Animals

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals        425-785-4232

Before it gets to a crisis with your beloved cats, dogs and horses, reach out HERE to set up your personal meeting and share what is going on with you and your animals: Set Up Your Personal Meeting With Vicki and we’ll find your next best steps for your specific needs.