Subject: Happy Holidays Gifts and Blessings
Happy Holidays Gifts and Blessings
December 11th, 2018 at 3:33 am PDTHealing Your Animal ConnectionHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You and Your Animals! “Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.” Jane Goodall Being such an animal pers ...
Holiday Tips, Classes and Gifts for Your Animal and Friends
December 4th, 2018 at 4:44 am PDTHealing Your Animal ConnectionHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You and Your Animals! The holiday season is here. It's the season of miracles and good cheer. In the spirit of the holiday festivities, you may not always feel like b ...
Happy Thanksgiving Tips
November 20th, 2018 at 12:13 pm PDTHealing Your Animal ConnectionHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You and Your Animals! Thanksgiving is the season of gratitude reminding us to reflect on how blessed we are, what brings us joy and what we are thankful for in our li ...
Hummingbirds share Connect with your animal through joy
November 13th, 2018 at 12:35 pm PDTHealing Your Animal ConnectionHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You and Your Animals! You have heard the saying “Stop and smell the roses”. This message is “Pause and feel the hummingbirds’ joy”. As I was writing this co ...
Crisis or Preventative Care, hear cats, Vincent and Pablo's, experience
October 9th, 2018 at 3:33 am PDTHealing Your Animal ConnectionHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You and Your Animals! It has been common to use the model of wait for a crisis and take your animal to the vet. There is a less stressful way and more people are catc ...
Staying calm in the midst of the storm
October 3rd, 2018 at 2:48 pm PDTHealing Your Animal ConnectionHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You and Your Animals! How are you doing with the cooler weather and shorter days? How are you doing with the hurricanes and political storms? Are you a bit more unse ...
Fall is in the air... are you ready for the transition?
September 25th, 2018 at 3:33 am PDTHealing Your Animal ConnectionHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You and Your Animals! Are you noticing the cooler weather and shorter days? You might be finding that it’s harder to get up in the morning, that you’re moving a b ...
Give Yourself Some “Me Time”
September 11th, 2018 at 3:33 am PDTHealing Your Animal ConnectionHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You and Your Animals! In my work, I am so fortunate to meet many people who love their animals and take wonderful care of them. I often hear clients say “my animal c ...
You're taking care of your animals and everyone else, ready for some self-care?
August 29th, 2018 at 10:52 am PDTHealing Your Animal ConnectionHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You and Your Animals! Do you ever feel rushed, chaotic, on a never ending to do list? Are you always taking care of everyone else and neglecting time for yourself? Do ...
[Correction] Do you ever feel disconnected, lost, unsure? to start shifting to being on purpose
August 2nd, 2018 at 7:00 am PDTHealing Your Animal ConnectionHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You and Your Animals! I was eager to get this out to you yesterday that it got sent with the wrong date for the Reiki Class. Here is the corrected version for you... D ...