Subject: Black Friday Secrets... Open to see...

Black Friday Secrets... Open to see...

November 27th, 2015 at 4:44 am PDT

Healing Your Animal EzineHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You! Did you, your family and your animals have a good Thanksgiving? Was it as harmonious, calm and peaceful as you desired? If you answered ‘no’, you will be interes ...

Do you want to know a secret for increasing connection and well-being with your animal?

November 20th, 2015 at 7:15 pm PDT

Healing Your Animal EzineHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You!American Thanksgiving is Thursday.Happy Early Thanksgiving!Gratitude is the theme. Did you know your expressing gratitude helps you cat/your dog feel better?Here is a Secret:Prepare yo ...

Are you Grateful on Friday 13th?

November 13th, 2015 at 8:01 pm PDT

Healing Your Animal EzineHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You!This is the month of American Thanksgiving. Gratitude is the theme. Did you know your expressing gratitude helps you cat/your dog feel better?Here is one technique Immediately ...

Discover how to add good years to your cat's life.. And your dog's..

November 5th, 2015 at 4:44 am PDT

Healing Your AnimalHeart Cat and Heart DogHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You!A couple days ago I shared what a heart cat and heart dog is and asked you a few questions: Do you yearn for a deeper connection with your cat/your dog? Do yo ...

Do you have a "heart" cat? a "heart" dog?, open and find out...

November 3rd, 2015 at 4:44 am PDT

Healing Your AnimalHeart Cat and Heart DogHi Friend, Healing Vibrations to You!You know it when you have this strong soul connection with your cat/your dog. It goes deeper than love. There is love for all animal members. And when there i ...

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