Subject: Done with Detoxing? Then You’ve Gotta Read This!

Done with Detoxing? Then You’ve Gotta Read This!

September 26th, 2012 at 10:08 am PDT

Vicki Draper Featured Guest For You! Welcome to my new subscribers! I am dedicated to personal and spiritual growth. I am also dedicated to providing you and your animals with my highest healing support. Each month I feature a guest that I feel ...

Would your cats and dogs like support with the change?

September 9th, 2012 at 11:20 pm PDT

Celebrating September and Back-to-School :-) I wish a warm welcome to my new subscribers! Here is Miranda enjoying playing in paint before starting back to school this week. Recently Miranda and I took a nature walk, picked a lot of fresh blackb ...

Would your cats and dogs like support with the change?

September 7th, 2012 at 10:43 am PDT

Celebrating August and the Sun :-) I wish a warm welcome to my new subscribers! Here is Miranda enjoying playing in paint before starting back to school this week. Recently Miranda and I took a nature walk, picked a lot of fresh blackberries and ...

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