Subject: Your key to receiving Re$ult$

Vicki Draper Featured Guest For You!

Welcome to my new subscribers!

Do you know my good friend and collegue EnergyRICH
®  Entrepreneur Success and Master Coach, Heather Dominick?

She's talking about something I just have to share with you, because I know you're a creative entrepreneur and your entrepreneurial journey is meant to be one of freedom, not frustration.

Click on the image below to watch Heather's video and see what I mean.
If there is anyone on the coaching circuit today who can support you in de-bunking the myths your mind has told you about marketing, it's my good friend and colleague Heather.

She is a master of teaching you how to shift the energy WITHIN you so that you can allow the re$ult$ you want OUT OF you.

Please accept my invitation to join her for this incredible, business-altering Brand NEW FR.EE Must-BE-There LIVE Interactive training call:

"The ULTIMATE Marketing System You Must Have to UNLEASH Your True Money Success (in 12 months or LESS!)"

I know this will be UNLIKE any other training call you've ever experienced.

See you on the call!
Vicki Draper,
International Vibrational Energy Healing Expert for You and Your Animals

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals        425-785-4232

P.S. Heather's talking about something no one else is willing to touch with a 10-foot pole. She says she's taking questions on facebook too! So watch the video and leave a comment - and tell her I say, "hi"!

P.P.S. I know Heather will also be activating the energy of Prosperity for you right on the training call with EnergyRICH® Prosperity Prizes. (She really just loves giving gifts and surprises - that's one of the things I really appreciate about her!) So, be sure to claim your sacred seat, mark your calendar, and do whatever it takes to be there LIVE!