Subject: You discovered your cat, your dog, your horse highly sensitive, now what...

Healing Your Animal
Power of Group
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!
Are you interested in an easy and convenient way for you to learn powerful, proven healing techniques to help the animals you are here to help in a deeper way?

Being a licensed Animal Massage Practitioner, Certified Animal Acupressurist, Reiki Master and Animal Communicator, I teach Animal guardians and Animal Providers like yourself proven healing techniques and animal communication that has really been instrumental in shifting:
  • anxious
  • hyper
  • nervous
  • shy
  • fearful
  • mischief, mess making animals
to being more calm, confident and happier. And supporting their physical bodies to feel better too.

You are powerful on your own and even more powerful coming together with connection and community.
I have really been connecting and experiencing the value of community. I truly see how much easier life is with support, with people who really understand you and love you for who you are.  It is clear just how much we are meant to be in community.  It is also clear how much more we accomplish in a group setting than on your own.
And that is why I have created 

for you and your animals to experience the power of being in community and connection with each other. This is a place where your animals feel safe, happy and healthy and truly enjoy your connection and doing this with them. 

What is this all about?

I have created a very special 8 week program that enables me to teach these powerful proven healing techniques to you.

You learn:

  • calming techniques to help your animals feel more relaxed and comfortable, 
  • opening and strengthening your intuition,
  • communicating with your animal
  • you get on the same wavelength of communication, understanding each other better
  • You learn professional massage and acupressure techniques to support your animal with staying healthy 
You and your animal benefit with healing energy amplified with being in the power of the group.

This is your KEY to...

stop living in chaos
stop having your dogs bark like crazy at the doorbell
• having your cat using his/her litter box again
• having your dog go pee and poo outside again
• having a safe reunion when you return home from traveling
• getting better quality of sleep
• having peace of mind knowing you are doing all you can for your cats, your dogs to have good quality of life
understanding what your precious cat, loving dog are already so desperately trying to tell you
• adding a healing touch when petting your animals

Here is what you will receive:
  • 8 - LIVE 60 Min training calls,
  • Supporting videos and documents to deepen the training
  • One 20 Min personal spotlight healing with you and your cat/your dog/your horse for greater support and healing
  • A private group forum to connect, share experiences, learn from each other, support each other, get unlimited support & questions answered and stay connected through this 8 week journey
There are a few spots left.

We are starting April 21st.

You know if this resonates with you. 

I invite you to take these steps to secure your spot:

Go to:
Healing Your Animal Group Program

I invite you to act now - sign up and receive $300 savings only available until Friday 4/3/15 midnight Pacific time.

And someone from my team will be with you soon to provide you with all of the details and set up with ease for starting soon.

I am delighted to have you join this powerful and transformational healing your animal group!
Don't just take my word for it...
Here is what Wendy has to say:

I am so appreciative of your work with my cat, Moonbeam. To say I love Moonbeam is an understatement. I feel connected to her in ways which are hard to put into words. I had taken Moonbeam to very skilled healers (traditional and non-traditional) for at least 2 years for a problem that we were never able to completely clear. Her problem would disappear, then it would return, again and again. It was heartbreaking and so frustrating for me to not have a solution to her physical problems no matter what I did. In just a few sessions with you, those old problems disappeared. My heart feels so much lighter and I feel such relief to see Moonbeam happy, healthy and playful again. 

I am no stranger to working with energy healing; I have worked (and trained) with many people around the world. You have enormous skill. I thank you so much for helping me with Moonbeam.

Wendy Yellen Santa Fe, NM

This is what I look forward to supporting you with as well.

I invite you to click to join Healing Your Animal Group:

This is Vulder after his Spot Light Feature in the Healing Your Animal Group.  He took in the healing energy and was very content. 

If you are a person who loves your animal very much and you are frustrated that your cat, your dog, your horse is highly sensitive, skittish, and reacts to loud noises, and you are frustrated figuring out what to do to help your animal feel better, comfortably be more a part of your family and activities,
I invite you to Reach out, claim one of the few remaining spots in the Healing Your Animal Group currently forming. 

Register here:

We are starting April 21st.

Time Sensitive >>> Only a few remaining slots. Get in on the $300 savings (this special offer goes away midnight Friday 4/3/15).
If this feels like a fit for you, and you still have questions reach out to my team right away and we’ll connect for a quick call to explore if this level of support is a fit for you.

I look forward to being with you in this  life changing class and experience.  
Helping as many pets be as healthy as possible and as many pet guardians like you be as happy as possible!
Dedicated to your animal's healing,
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections 
for You and Your Animals   

P.S. Here is a special way to receive support with your loving animals.

I invite you to Reserve your spot here:
Healing Your Animal Group Program

Get in on the $300 savings.

Limited spots
, Only a few short days left.  This offer goes away midnight Friday 4/3/15.

P.P.S If this feels like a fit for you, but you still have questions reach out to my team right away and we’ll connect for a quick call to explore if this level of support is a fit for you.
Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.