Subject: You discovered your animal is highly sensitive, now what...

Healing Your Animal Ezine
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

I wish a warm welcome to my Healing Your Animal Community new subscribers and you.
On my walk this week, this little guy would pop under the water be down awhile and then pop back up somewhere in the water.  It was a mystery as to where he was going to pop back up.  He did this three times as I was near and it was so cute.  Now you see me... Now you don't... It was fun to witness him.  He wasn't a breed of duck I am used to seeing so no clue to what he is.  However, he sure brought laughter to my day that I am sharing with you.

Are you traveling soon away from your animals?  You will want to check out this issue's tip below.

And if you know this is something important you want to take further, please get in touch with me.
Featured Essence
Energy Essential Kit
The Energy Essential Kit is designed to help support you and your animals in managing your energies no matter what is going on around you and your animals. Supporting you and your animals with having more energy, being calmer and clearer. 

You receive 3 - 1 oz essences

Ground - supports you and your animals being more connected in the physical world
Clear - clears your and your animal's energy field
Protection - keeps you and your animals from absorbing other people's energies

These energy management essences are not only highly supportive and essential for your animals, they are highly supportive and essential for you too.

Indications your animals would benefit:
  • hyper/anxious pretty much all of the time,
  • will have a hard time settling
  • will hide when company comes over
  • may be more aloof wanting alone time
  • may prefer one room in your house
  • spooks easily
  • doesn't want a lot of pets from you or anyone
  • may even bite/nip if petted too long (for him/her)
  • dogs - jumping, pacing, barking a lot
  • cats - zooming around frantically all of a sudden

The Energy Essential Kit is something you and your animals can benefit together.

With the essences being in a spray/mist application, when you spray once both you and your animals benefit at the same time with the same spray. You benefit with the fact that the essences are easy to use, are unscented and provide support for all of your animals and you at the same time.

You and your animals
  • Have more energy
  • Be more relaxed
  • Have more harmony
  • Feel more comfortable with people around

I invite you to click this link now: Energy Essential Kit

And receive the 19% savings - reminder sale price goes away in a few short hours so order now while it is on your mind.

Upcoming Classes
There are 3 topics I currently teach in my teleclasses - Ground, Clear and Protection. The reason is these 3 energy management techniques are key to your and your animals living life with more energy and joy.  This month's topic is protection.

Healing Your Animal Teleclass
Protection for You and Your Animals

Now, you may be saying…


Why do I need protection?

And why do my cats and dogs need it?

In this case, we are talking about energy protection.  You are protecting your energy field and your animal's energy field.

Energies are all around us everyday and everywhere that you are interacting with.  Just because you cannot see energy, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.  And doesn't mean you don't need to do anything about it.

You may be noticing feeling more on-edge than normal.  Or more tired.
With animals, you will notice them being more reactive.  Your cat will be more unsocial.  Your dog will bark at passing people or dogs.  Your dog may growl or lunge at people you meet out walking.  Your dog may bark at your neighbors by the fence in your backyard.

Does this sound familiar?

My invitation to you is to attend this very important teleclass:

Protecting You and Your Animals Teleclass
October 29th
10:00am Pacific

Here are the steps you take to secure your spot:

I invite you to click this link:
Healing Your Animal Protection Teleclass Signup

enter your name and email, and you will be sent all of the details. It is that easy. I look forward to being with you and your animals on the call!

*Call-in and web access details will be provided on sign-up.

Do you have spiritual animal loving friends?  I invite you to pass this link along and have them and their animals benefit too.

Healing Your Animal Protection Teleclass Signup
Client Interest for You
You may remember Vincent from a previous ezine.

He is joining us today for a wonderful update.

When Sally first came to me she was literally in tears because Vincent was not happy when she brought Pablo into the household.  Vincent would run and stay under the bed most of the time because Pablo 
(here is Pablo) would bully him and not let Vincent get his regular lap time with Sally.

What we have discovered is Pablo is highly sensitive.  And when he is not grounded, he gets wound up and he bullies Vincent.  As soon as Pablo gets grounded, he becomes a different cat.  He is more mellow and more content.

Vincent and Pablo have come a long way.  They have some snuggling, sharing the couch with Sally, and napping together!  There is more harmony in the household, Sally is much calmer and happier.  This is a big difference than when we first started working together.

Our session this week focused on supporting Vincent and Pablo with Sally traveling, letting them know how long Sally would be gone and who would be taking care of them.  Now they will have an easier time with Sally being gone and Sally can relax knowing Vincent and Pablo understand and are more relaxed with this understanding.

Here is how you can set up your next vacation for success away from your animals...
Useful Tip for You
Tip: When you travel you can let your animals know how long you will be gone by showing them blinks for days and night.  

How to use this:

When you are leaving, show your animals the number of nights you will be away by blinking that many times for them.  They will then know how long you are gone and when to expect you back.  This will help them be more content while you are away.
This tip is only the tip of the iceberg (and no pun intended :-)) for steps you can take to support your animals living their best. 

Another good step is to learn about energy protection -  if you are a person who is interested in making sure your cat and dog are living their best. They are calm, happy, content and healthy and you are doing all you can as a responsible, loving pet owner for them, it is never too late to begin.  

I invite you to please join me in my upcoming free teleclass: Protection for You and Your Animals Teleclass.

I invite you to click the link below to sign up:

Healing Your Animal Protection Teleclass Signup

And receive this valuable information.

I look forward to being with you on the call.
How to take this further...
I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to my life. Bless each moment you have with your precious animals. :-)

Helping as many pets be as healthy as possible and as many pet guardians like you be as happy as possible!

Dedicated to your animal's healing,
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections 
for You and Your Animals   

P.S.. Before another day goes by that you are wondering if there is more you can do to provide great care for your cat and your dog, I invite you to take action to learn more now.  

My invitation to you is to sign up for this FREE teleclass where you will be learning about  what you need to know about energy protection especially for your cat and your dog. Here is the link:

Healing Your Animal Protection Teleclass Signup

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.