So glad you are here!
Preparing you for getting the most out of your ear massage video series, I invite you to take 3 slow deep breaths in and out one at a time. 1. Take a deep breathe in, let it out. 2. Take another deep breath in, let it out. 3. Take another deep breath in, let it out.
Notice how you feel.
Animals like the calming that happens when you take your deep breaths. Did your animal take notice and come join you?
Your cats and your dogs are affected by your moods and lifestyle. The best thing for you to do is to stay relaxed and minimize stress.
A few deep breaths go a long way in reducing blood-pressure and stress in you. This in turn calms your animals. The calmer you are, the calmer your animals will be.
I invite you to do this technique before sitting with your animal for his/her ear massage.
Now you are ready to receive Video #1 tomorrow... |