Before you leave on your trip, be sure that you have a photo of your pet either on your phone or with you.
Each day that you are away, bring out your pet’s photo. As you look at the photo, send them a virtual hug, snuggle or whatever you regularly do together.
It really is as simple as concentrating and imagining that you are with your pet. You and your animal will feel the connection and you will both be happier.
I invite you to do this every day that you are away and see if you notice a difference in your pet’s reaction and greeting when you return home. Many of my clients have reported very pleasant, calm reunions with their pets.
This technique of connecting through thought and energy is how I can support my animal clients virtually. I’m located in the Seattle area, yet I can connect with my clients in Kansas, Toronto, Calgary, and even China hands-free. I also use this approach when working with feral animals or animals that are too shy or scared to be touched.
If you have had a history of unsettling travel situations with your pet, I invite you to reach out and sign up for a private
Assessment to make your next trip go smoothly for both you and your pet.