| Healing Your Animal Ezine |
| Hi Friend,
Healing Vibrations to You!
I wish a warm welcome to my new Healing Your Animal Community subscribers. |
| Spring is here so the calendar says. I was scraping frost off my car windows, taking my morning walk at the lake and beach all bundled up in 33 degree F temperature (which did not seem to faze the ducks) and now sitting by my fireplace typing this. It is fun seeing the cherry blossoms blooming, the daffodils in blooming and the sun seeming brighter as spring is the season to brighten up, awaken to new growth and beauty. With the weather transitioning, your animals and their bodies are affected by this change. You may notice them being more sluggish than normal or not as interested in their favorite things. Over the years of my practice, I have witnessed this many times in correlation to weather changes and the impact it has on your animals. So it is time to take a pause, take a moment to refresh, recharge and rebalance to align energies and systems in you and your animal’s bodies in what I like to call clearing.
If this sounds intriguing, check out my tip section below.
And if this is something you would like to take deeper for yourself and your animals, you can take part in my free teleclass on clearing you and your animals. |
| People & Animal Vibrations |
| | In the spirit of transitioning into spring in the northern hemisphere and the infamous “spring cleaning”, the following essences are offered here with a savings to highly support you and your animals.
I personally use these essences and I am grateful for their support in keeping my surroundings and myself feeling fresh.
Clients comment how much more energy they have using the Clear essence and how much more open and a part of things (taking a certain weight off their shoulders not being alone) with the Environmental Oneness essence.
Ahh, Clearing and being One with the world...
| | Is your cat or dog more lethargic than normal?
Is your cat or dog hiding more?
Is your cat or dog avoiding you lately?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these, Clear essence will help your cat and your dog clear their energy fields and clear your environment. What does this mean to you? -- Having and your space and your animals more energized and refreshed. And the bonus is you will receive clearing support along with your cat and your dog. |
| | Are you feeling disconnected? Are you feeling alone?
Are you feeling as if “you don’t know if you are coming or going”?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions - Good news! There is support!
Environmental Oneness essence will help. It assists in reconnecting you with “All-That-IS” and diffusing any sense of separation. You may have heard that we are all part of a collective. You are part of a whole.
Environmental Oneness supports you in shifting your awareness so you can see and feel this oneness. You feel a part of the whole. You become aware or deepen your awareness of this Truth. You feel connected, worthwhile, a part of life and more alive.
| | Healing Your Animal Free Monthly TeleClass |
| March - Clearing You and Your Animals
Now, you may be saying… What am I clearing?
What do you mean by clearing you and your animals?
You and your animals have an energy field that some people see and many do not. The clarity of your energy field impacts your whole life. Even though you cannot see it, it is there and you need to know about it so you can take the best care of you and also your animals.
Your cats and your dogs are most likely more energy sensitive than you are. They're aware of energy that you might not have a clue about. This sensitivity affects their behavior and how they feel.
Your energy field or energy body as some people call it needs an energetic dusting as does your physical furniture in your house and your daily shower for your physical body. Your Next Healing Your Animal Workshop
Topic: Clearing You and Your Animals
March 26th
10:00am Pacific
*Call-in and web access details will be provided on sign-up.
No worries if you cannot make it live, sign up and you can participate with the recording. The more like minded spirits we have, the higher you can raise your vibrations, your animal’s vibrations and make an even bigger difference in not only your world and quality of living with your animals in the world as a whole. Share this with kindred spiritual animal loving people to join us:
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The last few weeks I have shared about my cat client, Moonbeam, who is very sensitive to energy. Moonbeam is keen on being a spokescat for animals, so she is here with you again today.
Some of Moonbeam’s symptoms when energy needs to be clear in her environment (including her guardian) are hiding behind the refrigerator, not sleeping with Wendy, and pooping outside the litter box.
Wendy had tried everything, taking Moonbeam to the vet, acupuncture, reiki, working with multiple powerful healers, and Moonbeam’s issues kept coming back until Wendy started clearing and not only clearing, clearing on a regular consistent basis. Being as sensitive as Moonbeam is, this is what Moonbeam really truly needed to feel good. Wendy was not as sensitive as Moonbeam, so she was not feeling anything that Moonbeam was feeling so she didn’t see the real benefit in taking the time and energy to clear.
However, she did not want Moonbeam to feel bad either. It was breaking her heart to see Moonbeam not feeling good, not playing, hiding behind the refrigerator, lying around lethargic and not coming to sleep with her as she normally would.
Because of not being able to see, feel or experience this, Wendy was truly resistant. After great lengths and conversations with Moonbeam and Wendy, Wendy is now taking the steps to clear and is seeing the difference in Moonbeam.
This new support has actually helped Wendy and Moonbeam have an even deeper connection together. Wendy recognizes that Moonbeam is helping her raise her consciousness. Wendy is feeling much better knowing how to help Moonbeam feel her best, seeing her reward that Moonbeam is playful again, is out from behind the refrigerator and on her favorite spot again, is pooping in her litter box and they are having quality bonding, petting, and connection time together.
And she thanks me with great heart-warming gratitude for helping her get Moonbeam to feeling much more playful, purring again and living her best life. |
| | Tip: Take action to clear your animal’s energy field (and I recommend you do it for yourself as well)
The following clearing techniques you can do to clear you and your animals: • Burning Sage – a native American technique • Spraying Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere’s Clear essence – this is a powerful, easily transportable and great non-smoke way to clear – you can receive this on sale above • Burning Palo Santo Wood – Peruvian way of clearing o For extra support follow this with Spraying Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere’s Light essence • Use Reiki if Reiki certified
Commit to doing one of these once a week for a month and see what benefits show up for you. |
| How to take this further... |
| If you are a person who wants to make sure your cat and dog are happy and healthy living and being with you, and would like professional support in keeping them happy and healthy, clearing them from stuff they collect as a normal part of living and being with you, it is never too late to begin. Join me in my upcoming FREE teleclass Clearing You and Your Animals where you and your animals will receive clearing support right on the call.
If you cannot make the call live, no worries, the call is recorded, so sign up to participate in this powerful call.
| I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to my life. Bless each moment you have with your precious animals. :-)
Helping as many pets be as healthy as possible and as many pet guardians be as happy as possible!
| Abundance, Joy and Wealth, |
| Vicki Draper, Healing Your Animal Expert
Vi Miere Exclusive Essence Collections |
| P.S. Before another day goes by that you are yearning for doing all you can to help your cat and your dog feel and be their best, take action to have this. Sign up for this FREE teleclass where you will be having clearing and balancing with your cat and your dog right on the call. Here is the link: Healing Your Animal Clearing You and Your Animals Sign-Up
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