Subject: Ready for your cats, your dogs to have more spring in their step with happy purrs and woofs in your household?

Healing Your Animal Ezine
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!
The last 2 days, I sent you an email connecting you with your heart cat and heart dog and asking you some important questions.

You were offered an opportunity to apply for one of my 2 open private client slots and receive a gift Healing Your Animal Assessment to discuss what issues your cat is having and seeing if your cat would benefit from what I have to offer (and this goes for your dogs too).

This is the LAST day to respond about possibly reserving one of the remaining open spots.

I recommend you respond to have a conversation simply to explore if this is right for you. Better to know for sure while 2 spots are still available.

I invite you to click this link below and reserve your:

Assessments must be reserved with your click on the link above by TONIGHT midnight. Someone from my team will reach out to you in a couple of days to schedule this call.  We will set up a time to talk that matches your schedule in the next week before the holidays start.
  • Do you have a cat recently diagnosed with cancer?
  • Is your cat meowing more than normal, being more lethargic or throwing up with no apparent physical explanation?
  • Do you have multiple cats who do not get along and you are tired of them fighting?

I invite you to click this link below and reserve your Assessment gift here,

In case you didn't already see, Satchit Ananda is one client with this "heart" relationship. Satchit was a 16 year old cat, who was Heather’s heart cat. They had a very deep soul connection. Satchit was diagnosed by the vet that there was nothing more she could do for him and he wasn’t going to make it. Working with me, Satchit lived another quality year with Heather and in Spring transitioned. This extra time was cherished and priceless to her to have this extra lap time, snuggles, purrs and companionship with her beloved Satchit.
I know I loved my cat, Tasha, and she was my heart cat. I wanted her around and healthy as long as possible. And this meant the world to me to have this. And she lived 19+ years! Where she still jumped on the bed and snuggled with me all the way through her last night before transitioning. Priceless!

As I shared, I currently have 2 private client spots that have just opened up. 

This is the LAST day to respond about possibly reserving one of the remaining open spots.

I recommend you respond to have a conversation simply to explore if this is right for you. Better to know for sure while 2 spots are still available.

If you would like to apply for one of these openings, 

I invite you to click this link below and claim your Assessment gift here,

Assessments must be reserved with your click on the link above by TONIGHT midnight Pacific. We will set up a time to talk that matches your schedule in the next 2 weeks before the holidays start.
I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to my life. Bless each moment you have with your precious animals. :-)

Helping as many animals be as healthy as possible and as many animal guardians like you be as happy as possible!
Dedicated to your animal's healing,
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections 
for You and Your Animals   

P.S. This goes for your dogs too.

"Samson was 10 ½ when he woke up one morning and he couldn’t walk. It was very frightening and I didn’t know what to do. We gave it a day to see what would happen. Nothing did. I called a vet where Samson received acupuncture that gave small improvement. Not much.
Vicki has this talent of vibrational healing from distance. There is definitely distance from Seattle to Calgary. Samson has his first session that went really well. Right after hanging up from our session, we carried Samson out to go potty. All of a sudden Samson stood up and he teetered over to the tree and lifted his leg which he had not been able to do up until now within 5 minutes after the session. This was amazing to me. It worked!
We have been doing maintenance sessions because I knew there was residual old issues that needed to be resolved. Samson is now doing so much better. He is thriving looking like a puppy running around getting into trouble. I didn’t think he would ever recover from not being able to walk and not knowing why, working with Vicki exceeded any expectations I had by far helping Samson. I went from being in shock from one day he was fine and the next day he couldn’t walk. I was terrified he was going to be like this the rest of his life. I was very sad. I was thinking about quality of life and would I have to put him down. After his miracle recovery, I am so joyful. Every day is a blessing because we love to watch him run around having fun. This has improved our quality of time together.

I was not familiar with distance healing, so I didn’t think of Vicki immediately. I was skeptical at first; yet, I knew I had to try it. After seeing the drastic immediate improvement in him, I was astounded. I am grateful, happy and ecstatic that you were able to help him!"

Kathy Janzen, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

You can have your dog feeling his/her best!

I currently have 2 private client spots that have just opened up.  If you would like to apply for one of these openings, 

I invite you to reserve your gift Assessment: Click this link now

Assessments must be reserved (clicking the link above) by TONIGHT midnight pacific. Someone from my team will be in touch with you in the next couple of days to schedule your call.  We will set up a time to talk that matches your schedule in the next week before the holidays start.
Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
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