Subject: Play for Final Days of Summer

Healing Your Animal Connection
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You and Your Animals!

We’re heading into the homestretch to Labor Day Weekend and school starting in the Great North West.  

It’s time to celebrate summer in all of its glory while preparing to move into fall.

What are you doing to enjoy what is left of summer?

I am appreciating the extra daylight we have and the warmer, drier days knowing the shifts are coming to shorter and wetter days.

I recently taught a class on the power and benefits of play and how your play affects your pets in a positive way.  They feel better when you feel better. As humans, studies show we are present only 50% of the time. Ancient wisdom and now modern research shows that play brings you to the present moment.  And the present moment is where true happiness can occur.

There is a new Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere Play essence that I have been using before releasing it.  I can honestly say I laugh more and have more play in my everyday life and business.  It is noticeable to others too with people making comments. I am making it available to you today if you are drawn to use it in your and your pet’s life.  Simply email: and we’ll connect and get your Play essence to you.

Play can even be incorporated when your pet is passing. Listen and learn how with my New Podcast Available: 

Exercise For The Week:
The definition of play is when you and your pet are having fun.

Be mindful when interacting with your pet.  Put your cell phone down, get off your computer, your electronics.  Choose to focus and connect with your pet.

Do an activity that you and your pet enjoys.

Each pet is different and has different play preferences.  I have 2 sibling cats. One likes to run and jump in the air for the toy.  One likes the toy to crawl on the ground.

Find what your pet likes and you enjoy too.  

Some play ideas:

Hiking together
Fetch - Throwing a ball
Swimming together

Crinkly toy on a string/wand/pole to play chase
Ribbon on string/wand/pole to play chase
Having your cat jump in the air for the toy.

Have fun exploring your pet’s favorite type of play.
Your Essence of the Week
Acceptance - helps you accept what the Universe gives, opening more options from which to choose  

Available here: Acceptance (Save 10% this month)  

Assimilation - Promotes releasing guilt and shame you are still carrying allowing you to feel freer and to embody more of your true authentic self.  

Available here: Assimilation (Save 10% this month)  

Inner Harmony Package - a great way to stay peaceful during all the activities of life 

Consists of: Harmony, Iceland Spar, Protection Essences

Available here: Inner Harmony Package (Save 10% this month)  

Essences come in 1oz and 2oz spray bottles that produce a fine supporting unscented mist. Use as needed for creating accepting, assimilating and having more inner harmony in your life. Simply shake bottle to activate essence and spray 3 spritz in the air.
Learning Opportunities:
Learn Play Love
This is a monthly event on the 3rd Sunday of each month.  You are learning simple valuable tips and techniques to do with your dog helping the two of you to live healthier, more harmonious and happier.  You and your dog will enjoy socializing and playing with other dogs and their guardians.  

There is a different theme each month for continued care for your dogs. 

Theme: Basic Animal Communication With Your Dog

When: Sunday September 15th 
1:00pm - 3:00pm 

Where: Pickles Playland
    12669 NE 85th Street
    Kirkland, WA 98033

Cost: $35 per person/$65 per couple

Bring your dog

Register Here: Learn Play Love

Animal Communication Class
Join me, author and Certified Animal Healer and Animal Communicator in a fun and interactive class to learn how to communicate with animals.

You will learn your specific animal communication method, strengthen your intuition, and communicate with dogs live in the class.  

You will leave with confidence communicating with animals.

When: Saturday September 28th 
10:30am - 4:30pm 

Where: A nice farm where you can breathe and think clearly :-)
Monroe, WA
(specific address will be emailed after registering)

Cost: $397

Private Sessions Available:
Just because it’s the summer doesn’t mean your pet’s health goes on vacation.  If you are having any worries or concerns about your pet, I invite you to reach out and together we will determine what support would best serve you and your pet to get you both on a path to healing. 

Click this link: Healing Your Animal Assessment 

And we will find a time convenient for you to talk within the next 2 weeks.
Dedicated to you and your animal's healing,
Vicki Draper,
Certified Healer and Communicator

Author of "Bridging True Love Connection & Healing between You and Your Animals"

New video online program: 
"Animal Wellness Ear Massage"

I invite you to visit and like my Facebook page:

Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals      425-785-4232

  • The definition of play is when you and your pet are having fun.
  • Be mindful when interacting with your pet.  Put your cell phone down, get off your computer, your electronics.  Choose to focus and connect with your pet.
  • Do an activity that you and your pet enjoys.
  • Each pet is different and has different play preferences.  I have 2 sibling cats. One likes to run and jump in the air for the toy.  One likes the toy to crawl on the ground.
  • Find what your pet likes and you enjoy too.  

If you are ready to discover more ways to bridge the connection, healing and communication with yourself and your animals, I invite you to receive your 15 minute Healing Your Animal Phone Assessment and together we'll form a plan  getting you and your animal on the path of calm, health, harmony and ease.

Simply click this link below, fill in your name, email and phone number.

Healing Your Animal Assessment

Someone from my team will contact you in the next few days to schedule your assessment at a time convenient for you in the next two weeks.

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.