Subject: Open to learn neck massage for your cat and dog

Healing Your Animal Ezine
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!
As I shared with you last week, for the Pacific northwest, it is spring. Here is another gorgeous pink bloom sharing it for those of you who are still in winter.  A peak to what is coming for you soon...

Being an animal lover, you will want to check out this issues client story and tip.  Learn how to massage your cat and dog's neck.

I invite you to be sure to reach out and let me know your cat and dog's reactions when you do this with them.
Featured Essence
Energy Balance Essence
This essence is such an important essence for overall health for you and your animals that I am featuring it again this week and offer it on sale through tonight.

Would you like a simple tool to help you balance your cat and dog’s energy that promotes optimal health?

Is your cat frantic?
Is your dog hyper?
Is your horse restless?

Healing Your Animal's
Energy Balance essence assists clearing your animal’s energy fields, balancing the chakras and balancing the meridians all in one spray. 

It is a very powerful support tool in shifting from:

lethargy to zesty 
illness to wellness 
doing good to doing great

Energy Balance is a recommended staple essence. It is good for all situations and a great support for optimal health. 

Don't just take my word for it...

"My Australian Shephard always gets revved up at agility trials. We were at an away trial recently. Using Energy Balance was amazing. He was so settled; enough to curl up and sleep on his pillow like at home."

Anonymous - OH

I invite you click this link receive 23% savings and free shipping:

Energy Balance Essence

Have calm, optimal health with your animals 

You benefit with 23% savings and free shipping through tonight.
(free shipping and handling for all US orders
savings on S&H for overseas)

Helping you and your animals live happier, healthier and more harmoniously with the featured Energy Balance essence. Supporting you and your animals in 2015 being your best year yet.

Upcoming Classes
While Western medicine is good and beneficial, I learned at an early age there is more for optimal health and healing with your animals.

So that is why I am offering:

Healing Your Animal Free Teleclass 

5 important things the vet won't tell you

that affects your animal's health and well-being

You will discover what you didn't know you didn't know empowering you with your animal's health.

I invite you to click here to reserve your spot:

Investment:  Free

Call in details will be provided on sign up.

Client Interest for You!
Today I am sharing a client story of Quinn, a 2 year old border collie.  When I first met Quinn, he was a demo dog for a BNI presentation I did.  During this demo, Quinn presented rubbing excessively his right ear on the ground.  When I checked in with this area, he had some tight neck muscles that received some support and some "sticky" energy at the base of his ear that cleared during his session. 

The vet checked Quinn and did not find anything in the inner ear. Whew, the clearing got it before it went to that level.  

Quinn's guardian absolutely loves Quinn and takes very good care of Quinn. Since the vet cleared him and saying the rubbing his ear on the ground was probably a quirky thing he just did, Quinn's guardian had no idea anything was still going on with Quinn.  Knowing what I felt in the demo, I highly recommended a healing session to go deeper supporting him.  Thank goodness she was open.  

During Quinn's session, he was releasing with sounds she had never heard him make before (not from pain or discomfort - processing sounds) as his neck muscles were responding to the healing work.  He went deep with his healing and was totally sacked out at the end of his session.

It was so good seeing Quinn feeling better and moving better after his session.  On his way out, he gave me a big thank you lick.  Precious and priceless!
Useful Tip for You!
With Quinn's inspiration...

Tip: When your want to massage your cat or dog’s neck, you can do so with a horseshoe stroke over the neck. The neck (cervical) vertebrae are deep, so you don’t have to worry about massaging over the spine for this area and this applies only to this area.

How to Use This:  

For the last 4 years, I have been teaching dog massage to a local 4 H group.  Since 11 - 15 year old children can learn this technique with their dogs, I am confident you can do this with your cats and dogs too. :-)
How to take this further...
If you are a person who is interested in making sure your cat, dog and horse are happy, content and healthy and you are ready to do all you can as a responsible, loving pet guardian for them, 

I invite you to click this link below

5 Important Things Your Vet Won't Tell You Teleclass

About the health and well-being of your animals.

Just like Quinn's guardian didn't know anything was going on with Quinn and there was...

Discover what you didn't know that you didn't know for taking the best care of your loving animals.

Helping as many animals be as healthy as possible and as many animal guardians be as happy as possible!
Dedicated to your animal's healing,
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals      425-785-4232

Before it gets to a crisis with your beloved cats, dogs and horses, 

I invite you to click this link and register

5 Important Things Your Vet Won't Tell You Teleclass

Investment:  Free

Discover what you didn't know that you didn't know for taking the best care of your loving animals.

Helping as many animals be as healthy as possible and as many animal guardians be as happy as possible!

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
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