Subject: One calm dog...

Healing Your Animal Ezine
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

If you have a dog that barks a lot, you will want to check out Ginger's story and tip below.  And if this is something you would like further assistance with, I invite you to get in touch with me.

Client Connections
Meet Ginger a year old miniature labradoodle.  

Ginger's guardian, Laura, came to me because Ginger was chasing after cars, barking at the neighbors and being hyper in the house.  She wanted to help Ginger be calmer and happier.

After using the techniques I taught Laura, Ginger is calmer and happier, Laura is calmer and happier and Ginger and Laura's neighbors are calmer and happier.
Here is one TIP that Laura used with Ginger

TIP: Take 3 slow deep breaths in and out

The calmer you are, the calmer your dog will be. 
How to take this further...
If you are a person, like Laura who has a dog who barks a lot and is unsettled and you are ready to do all you can as a responsible, loving pet guardian for them to be as happy and healthy as possible, it is never too late to begin. 

I invite you to get in touch with me for a private conversation I like to call Healing Your Animal Assessment as my gift to you.

In the Assessment, together we will determine your specific needs. And we will tailor a plan for you and your dog to be calmer, happier and safer.

I invite you to reach out and click this link below

Healing Your Animal Assessment

A member of my team will reach out and set up a conversation at a time convenient for you.
Dedicated to your animal's healing,
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Healing Your Animal
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals      425-785-4232

Before your dog barks like crazy one more time 

I invite you to reach out HERE to set up your Healing Your Animal Assessment and share what is going on with you and your animals: 

Healing Your Animal Assessment

and we’ll find your next best steps for your specific needs to have your dog feeling calmer, happier and safer.

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
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