| Healing Your Animal Ezine |
| Hi Friend,
Healing Vibrations to You!
I wish a warm welcome to my Healing Your Animal Community new subscribers and you. |
| Miranda and I were walking back from school and this little bunny was nibbling away on the blackberry vine. He was so cute and intent on eating that he stayed eating (and watching me come closer while Miranda was backing away quietly) while I took the photo. His trust was inspiring to me.
This bunny was reflecting an example of being aware of your surroundings, checking in to see if you feel safe, stay if you do and run if you do not. He chose to stay reflecting he felt safe with my intentions of our interaction.
With Halloween being here, not all people are animal people, so there are some practical ways to keep your animal safe and protect them. You will want to check out this issue's tip below.
And if you know this is something important you want to take further, please get in touch with me. |
| | Awaken
Do feel sluggish?
Are you having trouble staying awake?
Do you desire to awaken more of you?
Awaken is a great essence when you wish to have a natural, quick pick-me-up without caffeine or having to ingest anything.
Time change is coming and even though it is only 1 hour difference, it throws off your body balance and rhythms and you feel more tired while you adjust to the change.
You benefit with an easy to use unscented spray allowing you to have your support and use it practically anywhere.
Awaken uses the natural power of crystal healing energy to help elevate your alertness and aliveness for your day.
And there is more... Awaken used with deeper intentions will awaken dormant passions and ignite sparks to your authentic energy waiting to come alive and be expressed.
(scroll down, essences are in alphabetical order) |
| |  | There are 3 topics I currently teach in my teleclasses - Ground, Clear and Protection. The reason is these 3 energy management techniques are key to your and your animals living life with more energy and joy. This month's topic is protection.
Healing Your Animal Teleclass Protection for You and Your Animals
Now, you may be saying…
Why do I need protection?
And why do my cats and dogs need it? In this case, we are talking about energy protection. You are protecting your energy field and your animal's energy field.
Energies are all around us everyday and everywhere that you are interacting with. Just because you cannot see energy, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And doesn't mean you don't need to do anything about it.
You may be noticing feeling more on-edge than normal. Or more tired. With animals, you will notice them being more reactive. Your cat will be more unsocial. Your dog will bark at passing people or dogs. Your dog may growl or lunge at people you meet out walking. Your dog may bark at your neighbors by the fence in your backyard.
Does this sound familiar?
My invitation to you is to attend this very important teleclass:
Protecting You and Your Animals Teleclass October 29th 10:00am Pacific $FREE
Here are the steps you take to secure your spot:
I invite you to click this link: Healing Your Animal Protection Teleclass Signup enter your name and email, and you will be sent all of the details. It is that easy. I look forward to being with you and your animals on the call!
*Call-in and web access details will be provided on sign-up.
Do you have spiritual animal loving friends? I invite you to pass this link along and have them and their animals benefit too.
Healing Your Animal Protection Teleclass Signup |
| | Meet Lynn and X. Lynn has been a client and studying with me for over 10 years now. She learned the importance of grounding, clearing and protecting her dogs energetically and herself early on and has been practicing this and strengthening this skill. It is like a muscle, the more you do it the easier it is. The benefit of this is it comes in handy when you need to do it on the spur of the moment. Lynn had an experience this week where this came in very handy.
"X and I were out for a walk when it was almost dark. There was another dog and person walking towards us. As they got closer you could feel the energy shift from our calm energy to more chaotic. So while we walked I quickly grounded and put up X’s protection. This is quick and easy to do as we have practiced this a lot. X was walking on the side where the dog was approaching which provides much greater exposure for him to the other dog. The other dog had been on the far side of its person, but switched to X’s side while staring and pulling to move towards X. We continued along with X making one get over it sound and no other reaction. This was great as unprotected I would have expected a much larger reaction from him including pulling towards the dog and making a lot of noise telling the dog to stay away."
Lynn, Bainbridge Island, WA
Lynn sharing her experience with X on our class forum also served as an example for participants in my current Healing Your Animal Group this week. Participants receive a 20 minute spotlight feature for targeted direct core support with their current issues and concerns with their animals. The group has already learned how to ground, clear and protect themselves, their animals and their environments in class. This supported Christine, the spotlight feature this week, in helping her with her 10 cats and 3 children as they go for their nightly walk. Her cats love to be with Christine, so they follow along for the walk. (I get the visual of the pied piper :-)) However, her cats were being skittish and Christine was being nervous. She was concerned and not enjoying herself. She was relieved to discover she had the tools to shift this experience going forward. And her cats were happy for Christine's new awareness and support for them. Christine is now using and practicing the grounding, clearing and protecting for her nightly walks and will be reporting back her experience. I'll keep you posted. |
| | Tip: As an animal lover and because you are here, I know you are too. It is so hard for me to even fathom people are not nice to animals; yet not all people treat animals kindly. In honor of protecting our animals and providing safety for them, we have to be aware and know this possibility exists even in your neighborhood. So there are some practical suggestions for protecting your animal and keeping him/her safe.
How to use this:
- Keep your cat/your dog inside the house around Halloween, especially the night of Halloween.
- If you have a black cat, I recommend not letting him/her out of your site for the next few weeks. November 1st and afterwards, he will be safer.
- Do not give your cat/your dog any trick-or-treat candy. (chocolate is toxic to cats and dogs, and trick-or-treat candy can be laced with poisons, razor blades, etc) Candies containing the artificial sweetener Xylitol can also cause problems. If your animal has ingested something toxic, please call your veterinarian, or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435.
- Candles in carved pumpkins are very pretty. With animals around they can be dangerous. Your animals can easily knock over the pumpkin. You animals can get singed by the flame especially curious kittens.
- Keep your cats and dogs in a separate room with the door closed while you answer the door for trick-or-treaters. This will keep them feeling calmer and safer. This will also prevent them from running out the door.
- Have identification tags on your animals so if they do run out the door and get lost, you have a much better chance of being reunited with them.
The intention here is to educate you that this stuff does happen and when you are aware and take precautions, you and your animals will be safe.
Like the bunny in the beginning... The bunny did not change his eating activity, he was monitoring his level of safety. So let the bunny's lesson doing your due diligence with being aware support you this week keeping you and your animals safe. |
| This is only the tip of the iceberg for steps you can take to support your animals living their best.
Another good step is to learn about energy protection - if you are a person who is interested in making sure your cat and dog are living their best. They are calm, happy, content and healthy and you are doing all you can as a responsible, loving pet owner for them, it is never too late to begin.
I invite you to please join me in my upcoming free teleclass:
| How to take this further... |
| I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to my life. Bless each moment you have with your precious animals. :-)
Helping as many pets be as healthy as possible and as many pet guardians like you be as happy as possible!
| Dedicated to your animal's healing, |
| Vicki Draper, Healing Your Animal Expert
Vi Miere Exclusive Essence Collections |
| P.S.. Take practical steps this Halloween to protect and keep your animals safe. Keep them inside on Halloween and no candy.
Before another day goes by that you are wondering if there is more you can do to provide great care for your cat and your dog, I invite you to take action to learn more now.
My invitation to you is to sign up for this FREE teleclass where you will be learning about what you need to know about energy protection especially for your cat and your dog. Here is the link:
Healing Your Animal Protection Teleclass Signup
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