Subject: New Years Resolutions for your Animals? Find out one very important resolution...

Healing Your Animal Ezine
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!


Have you made your resolutions?

Have you ever considered making resolutions for your animals?

This is a good time to check in and see if it makes sense this year.

You will want to be sure to check out this ezine's tip below and see if your animal is in the 55% for this resolution to have better health.

If you have any concerns with your cat/your dog' behavior or health, I invite you to get in touch with me for a Healing Your Animal Assessment, my gift to you.  Click this link:

Healing Your Animal Assessment

Featured Essences
Manifesting Wealth Now
Are you ready to open and receive more wealth in 2015?

Are you ready to shift from surviving to thriving?

Do you desire to flourish with abundance?

The Manifesting Wealth Now! package (5 - 1oz essences) will enable you to shift out of limiting patterns. You are a special being and abundance, affluence and wealth are your birthright. 

  • Clear - essence clears your energy field and your space. This makes room for the new to come in. Clear helps remove old stuck energy, pre-paving the way for new wealth and new supporting energies to come in.
  • Alignment - essence is here to support you in aligning with Source and your goals. Use Alignment for aligning with all of your dreams, meetings, connections, travel, teaching, romance, fun to make way for you to connect with it here in the physical realm.
  • Grounded While Soaring - essence is very powerful. It provides a gounding effect while soaring to even greater heights. Assisting you in expanding your business and your life. This does promote changes, so be ready for shifts to happen!
  • Manifest - essence is made from a rare crystal that came from Greece. It came to me while attending a workshop in the Colorado mountains early 2000's. The organizer hid a lot of crystals and trinkets in the woods with the idea that whoever finds them will know if it is theirs or not to take. I had a lot of fun finding this crystal that was a definite yes when we connected. Now it has been made into a crystal essence that is helping many more people today connect with their dreams, passions and prosperity.
  • Wealth - essence opens conscious levels to all of the abundance of the Universe. It assists attracting wealth in one's life by creating a new relationship with money as energy. It accentuates living the "good" life everyday. The Wealth essence has been fun hearing back the interesting stories in different ways money comes to the people using this essence.
Ready to experience attracting more wealth? 
I invite you to click this link below right away:

Manifesting Wealth Now

You have the support of simple, easy-to-use, unscented tools like the Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere essences to help you step into claiming and living your fullest life with the abundance and wealth that you deserve.

Hear what Mimi Quick Creator of the Prosperity Muse and Evolve Your Energy In Business has to say:

"Vicki is a beautiful spirit inside and out who really exudes compassion. As a friend and colleague I love the Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere Essences as they add an extra Good layer of energy to my day. Being a healer, a natural born psychic and transformational coach for spirit-prenuers I empower my clients and students to align to their missions and prosper. Vi Miere Essences fits right in to give that extra boost in my energy field. I noticed that I increased my JOY, LOVE, and WEALTH vibes. I also cleared some huge money leaks within days of using the product and feel even more grounded to my souls path and mission.

I invite you to click this link below now for more information, order and benefit right away

Manifesting Wealth Now

Client Interest for You!
Today’s client story is about Zoe.

Zoe is a client who uses traditional veterinary medicine and the complimentary care that I provide to get well rounded healing care. 

Animal care as a guardian is 24/7, 365 days a year. So when holiday's come along, your animal's health does not take time off for the holidays.

One of the perks my clients receive is care and attention when in crisis even when I am taking time off for the holidays. My support for my clients is because I truly care. And I do not like to have an animal suffering if there is support I can provide.

Zoe had been to the vet and it seemed like she was getting stable. Then she started to not eat again and she is already down to 5 pounds so no time to waste getting her turned around. (if that is what is intended from the Universe) Her digestive system was not balanced.  At the beginning of her session, she was blocked and needed support for her liver, kidneys and large intestines.  Zoe took to her session and responded really well.  By the end of her session, the blocks were open and moving, her energy was flowing and balanced and she was energetically purring.

Such a sweetie and she started eating a little.

It is up to the Universe when it is her time. I do know for certain that she was feeling better after her session.
Useful Tip for You!
According to a National Pet Obesity Study in 2012, 55% of animals are overweight. 

52.5% of US Dogs Overweight or Obese or approximately 36.7 million

58.3% of US Cats Overweight or Obese or approximately 43.2 million

This equals approximately 80 million U.S. dogs and cats at increased risk for weight-related disorders such as diabetes, osteoarthritis, hypertension and many cancers.

It is also setting up more and more dogs and cats for joint problems during their lives. This results in hundreds of millions of dollars in medical bills and countless surgical procedures for weight-related conditions.

How To Use This:

Feed your pet less and exercise them more.  Keep your animals healthy with regular veterinarian check-ups and sessions with energy clearing and balancing for preventative and strengthening natural body rhythms for optimum health with your animals.

Pick up the dog leash and go for a walk. Instead of snacking on sugary treats, share crunchy vegetables with your dog. Eat more whole foods instead of highly processed fast food.

For your cat, pick up the pole with a string attached to a toy, throw it and wiggle it around and watch your cat jump and pounce for joy.

Also it is more serious for a cat to get overweight.  Cats do not have a normal mechanism to lose weight.  The cats in the wild never get overweight.  This means, there is danger when getting your cat to lose weight.  It must be done slowly to prevent your cat going into renal failure.  

It is easier to keep them healthy and normal weight; however, if you find yourself with an overweight cat, you can healthily support them getting to a normal weight again.  Do it safely.  I know it is possible because I have done it.

The healthier you and your animal are, the better you feel.  The better you feel, the more likely you are to exercise, play and do activities that keep your animal having normal weight.
How to take this further...
If you are a person who is interested in making sure your cat, dog and horse are happy, content and healthy and you are ready to do all you can as a responsible, loving pet guardian for them, it is never too late to begin. I invite you to get in touch with me for a private conversation I like to call Healing Your Animal Assessment as my gift to you.

We will explore and assess how we can make sure you are giving your best care with cats and dogs. 

I invite you to reach out and click this link below 

Healing Your Animal Assessment

A member of my team will reach out and set up a conversation at a time convenient for you. 

We will determine the next best steps for your specific needs. And we will tailor a wellness plan for you to have your best life and time together with your cats and dogs.

Helping as many animals be as healthy as possible and as many animal guardians be as happy as possible!

Dedicated to your animal's healing,
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals      425-785-4232

Your animals are healthier in wellness and preventative mode instead of waiting for a crisis to start.

Before it gets to a crisis with your beloved cats, dogs and horses, I invite you to reach out HERE to set up your Healing Your Animal Assessment and share what is going on with you and your animals: 

and we’ll find your next best steps for your specific needs.  Keeping better health, more harmony and peace in you and your animal's lives.

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
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