Subject: Month of Love continues with nature, check it out

Healing Your Animal Connection
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You and Your Animals!

Photo by Belen Capello

February, the month of love.  I also equate love with joy. The photo with the yellow lab and kitten put a smile on my face and lightened my heart with joy. I hope it did yours too.

English categorizes it all as 1 word Love.

Love comes in many forms. 

In Greek, there can be 8 words for Love depending on the source. 
  1. Eros (romantic, passionate love) - The first kind of love is Eros, named after the Greek God of fertility.  
  2. Philia (affectionate love) - The second type of love is Philia, or friendship. 
  3. Agape (selfless, universal love) - The third is Agape, selfless universal love, such as the love for strangers, nature, or God. 
  4. Storge (familiar love) - Storge is a natural form of affection experienced between family members. 
  5. Mania (obsessive love) - When love turns to obsession, it becomes mania. 
  6. Ludus (playful love) - The Ancient Greeks thought of ludus as a playful form of love. 
  7. Pragma (enduring love) - Pragma is a love built on commitment, understanding and long-term best interests. 
  8. Philautia (self love) - The Greeks understood that in order to care for others, we must first learn to care for ourselves.
Since I regard my cats as family members, Storge describes the bonding love and connection of my relationship with Spirit and Sapphire. Is this the type of love you would say you have with your precious pet?

A bonding and loving experience you can have with your pet is my upcoming pet massage class that you can check out below.

You've been hearing me talk about chakras and creating Healthy, Free, and Harmonious: Balancing your pet's chakras book recently. 

I'm celebrating it is now released and available for an autographed copy, paperback or kindle version from Amazon.  Wahoo!  You'll see more information about it below. The easiest way to find it is visit

A nice way to support your chakras is being in nature.

Nature is very healing. 

I had 2 long layovers in Charlotte airport over the holidays in December. It was my first time in Charlotte airport and I was delighted to find they had an atrium with lots of light and live trees. The air was fresh and it made the layover more pleasant and refreshing to sit next to them. I felt energized instead of drained after a long day of travel thanks to the trees.

Now it's your turn to connect with nature.

Photo by lukáš-dlutko

Exercise for the Week:
Nature Exercise

Get out in nature for a walk, watch a sunrise or a sunset. Nature is a quick way to get rejuvenated. For urbanites, find a park to immerse yourself into the grass, shrubs and trees. If it’s pouring down rain, or freezing cold, visit a plant store and walk around.

Notice how you feel adding more nature in your life and what shifts in your life. 
Celebrating Book is Now Available!

Here's what Jodie Hopkins of Westminster, Colorado has to say about it:

"Vicki Draper's books have been a tremendous help in forming and growing the relationship between my rescue dog, Lucy, and me.

As a dog parent new to chakras, I wanted the best for my little friend. This book gave us both the opportunity to ground ourselves, bond, and work through the balancing act of living our best lives. Vicki explains the background terms, and porcess of working on clearing your chakras and your pet's chakras in a way that is clear, simple, and insightful. It opened up a whole new world of wellness for us.

It would have never occurred to me that pets had chakras to clear too, but now it's something we do on a regular basis, and it has made a huge difference in both of our lives."

If you desire this too, click: Healthy, Free, and Harmonious Book

Learning Opportunities
Photo: Beagle, Gracie, receiving massage

Pet Massage Class Series (zoom)

As a loving pet parent, this 3-part class gives your professional instruction on how to safely and effectively massage your pet for optimum health, wellness and mobility.

Class 1: Basic Pet Massage
Learn basic strokes of massage to do with your pet. Take home a 10-minute maintenance massage routine for optimal health and movement.

Class 2: Intermediate Pet Massage
Learn more strokes of massage to do with your pet. Integrate and add to your maintenance massage routine taking home a 20- minute maintenance massage routine for optimal health and movement.

Class 3: Advance Pet Massage
Learn proper techniques for stretches with your pet to support them moving and being their best selves and aging gracefully.

When: Tuesdays 3/21, 3/28, 4/4 4:00-5:30pm Pacific
(click to find your time zone)

Where: Zoom - in the comfort of your home for you and your pets

Cost: $299 for series

Sign up now: Pet Massage Class Registration

More Exciting News
Photo: Buddy posing after his healing session
In person healing sessions are available some Saturdays at:
Harmony Animal Wellness Center
505 W Main Street
Monroe, WA 98272

Get in touch today to schedule your session: 

For your convenience, Zoom sessions are also still available.

Vicki with Heidi and Aslan the cat Zoom photo
Aslan loves his healing sessions, he gets as close to the screen as he can :-)
Private Sessions Available
If you have concerns or issues with your pet(s), I invite you to have a 15-20 minute complimentary conversation I like to call Assessment. 

Simply click this link,  Healing Your Animal Assessment
select Assessment, choose time and date that works with your schedule and we will connect. Together we will form a plan of support and get you scheduled to get your pet back to feeling their best.

Dedicated to you and your animal's healing,
Vicki Draper,
Certified Healer and Animal Communicator

Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals      425-785-4232

I hope you liked the nature exercise and nature support.


If you are ready to have your animal move and feel their best through the winter, I invite you to get in touch with me for your free 15-20 minute Assessment connection call as my gift to you. Together we'll formulate a plan to get massage support for your animal(s) whether virtual massage or in-person massage and have them moving with flexibility and ease.

Click Healing Your Animal Assessment fill in your name, email, phone number and select the time convenient for you on the calendar.

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
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