Romance is in the air - how your cat and your dog feel it! |
Hi Friend,
I wish a warm welcome to my new ezine subscribers. |
I had an awesome trip to New York City last week where I had a full day private training with my business coach, Heather Dominick. It was an interesting journey with PAX dumping lots of snow. Taxis were not as easily to come by with the snow and not the best mode of transportation this trip. I am originally from a small town of 8,000 people, so to navigate the NYC mass transit system is quite a daunting experience. And I will say, yay - I successfully did it!
This is how dedicated I am to living my passion serving you and your animals with growing and being my best. With this training, I am able to deliver even more powerful services and products helping you take the best care of your loving cats and dogs. Love happens on all levels. It is being offered, with opportunities for it to be received. Are you offering? Are you receiving? The deeper question is - are you offering love to your fullest? Are you receiving love to your fullest? Check in and see if this is an area you would like to expand to give and have more of in your life.
Feeling and expressing love and joy aren't just emotions that affect you and your health; it affects your cat and your dog's health too. Intrigued to find out more? Check out this ezine's tip below.
And if you know this is something important you want to take further, please get in touch with me for a complementary conversation.
In the spirit of Romance and the month celebrating Love: |
Are you open to receiving more love in your life? Did you know your openness to receiving and expressing love helps your cat and your dog's wellbeing too?
The Vi Miere Romance essence is a way to express romance - Romance isn't just for a romantic partner, it is romance with yourself. Loving yourself is where love truly begins.
And the happier and more loving you are, the happier you will find your cat and your dog.
Animals take on your stuff, stress and what you are dealing with in your life. |
Is your cat or dog a little "ansi" or restless lately? Have you recently had more stress, cannot quite sit still or focus?
Do you desire a wellness support with a good daily way to balance your cat and your dog for optimum health?
If you answered 'Yes' to any of these, Energy Balance will help your animal?
Energy Balance Assists balancing your cat, your dog and your aura, meridians and chakras. This helps energy not get stuck by keeping energy flowing for your cats, your dogs and your well being. And this essence helps support keeping you open and flowing with love. :-)
Healing Your Animal - Talk with Your Animal Free Monthly TeleClass |
February - Deepening Love With Your Animals
Now, you may be saying I already have a deep love with my animals. And I know you do because you are here reading this. And I am here to tell you it can go deeper. I didn't know it was possible either until I experienced it. So I am sharing it with you in my upcoming teleclass.
Your Next Healing Your Animal Workshop |
Topic: Deepening Love With Your Animals
February 26th
10:00am Pacific
*Call-in and web access details will be provided on sign-up.
No worries if you cannot make it live, sign up and you can participate with the recording.
The more like minded spirits we have, the higher you can raise your vibrations, your animal's vibrations and make an even bigger difference in now only your world and quality of living with your animals in the world as a whole. Share this with kindred spiritual animal loving people to join us:
Did you Meet Hattie last week, the 12 week old Bouvier puppy? I shared where the timing was good for her coming to her new home. Two weeks after she arrived, one of her new Bouv family, Derby, transitioned into her next phase of life. |
Here is Derby - aka Skyhi Derby who accomplished a lot of titles in agility, obedience, herding, rally and tracking during her lifetime. With it being heart awareness month and the month of love, it is important to talk about all aspects of love. Hattie is the new puppy coming into her home with lots of love and bounce and new puppy energy to liven things up a bit. Derby was ending her physical life and celebrating transitioning to her next phase. Derby is doing well. She is free from her physical issues, in her case, bladder cancer, and the toll it took on her physical body. In her spirit form, she is free, pain free and at peace. And she is still connected and able to visit her family.
On the other hand with you, it leaves a big bruise in your heart when it is time for your loving animal companion transitions. The emotional pain is there and there is a loss of his/her physical presence around. Knowing he/she is still with you in spirit form doesn't ease the pain and reality that you are left not being able to pet, hold, snuggle with, play with and talk with your animal friend and have them look back at you with their precious, loving eyes and feel the softness of their fur.
While a Hattie, a new puppy, is no substitute and doesn't replace Derby, it helps fill joy where your heart may not currently feel it.
In the case of grief, it is important to honor the grief process and everyone has a different way of dealing with. And allow the joy to come back into your heart. Find small bits of joy in every day. Then you will be able to feel even more joy.
I know, I have been through this with my own animals. And being honest here, I experience a version of this when my current clients and previous clients pass. When I help support you and your animal, my loving connection with you doesn't stop when the session stops. There is a place in my heart that gets blessed with every client I help whether it is brief or longer term.
Tip : Do something this week that brings you joy. And have your cat and your dog be there with you.
Maybe think of something you haven't done in awhile that you would really love to do. The sillier the better as far as they are concerned... For instance put on your favorite song and jump around, dance around. Watch your cats and your dogs behavior. With my cats it was harder to notice, because their temperament is different. I can assure you they are feeling it. When I have done this with my dog, Sasha, would get excited, do the play bow and then jump around too.
This will fill not only your heart, it will theirs too.
And please share with me your experiences - I would love to hear them! |
How to take this further... |
If you are a person who wants to have even more love in your life with your cat and your dog, it is never too late to begin.
Please join me in my upcoming teleclass - Deepening Love with Your Animals. Click the link below to sign up:
Healing Your Animal - Talk With Your Animal Sign-Up
We will balance chakras for both you and your animals and open the bridge of love so more will flow through between you.
I look forward to being with you on the call.
Healing Your Animal - Talk With Your Animal Sign-Up
I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to my life. Bless each moment you have with your precious animals. :-)
Helping as many pets be as healthy as possible and as many pet guardians be as happy as possible!
Abundance, Joy and Wealth, |
Vicki Draper, International Vibrational Energy Healing Expert for You and Your Animals
Vi Miere Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals
www.HealingYourAnimal.com 425-785-4232
P.S. Before another day goes by that you are yearning for more connection, love and play time with your cat and your dog, take action to have this. Sign up for this FREE teleclass where you will be having enhanced bonding and connection with your cat and your dog right on the call. Here is the link: Healing Your Animal – Talk With Your Animal Sign-Up