Subject: Learn what No means to dogs

Learn what No means to dogs
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

I wish a warm welcome to my new ezine subscribers.
Please forgive the sound quality of this video. In order to get this video to you sooner versus later, I opted to get my message out now to you. Knowing you are a very compassionate person being drawn to my community, you will ignore the technical details and appreciate the effort and the message made with love for you and your animals.

Fall is definitely in the air. My morning walks are foggy, crisp, cool and the water very calm. It is so pretty seeing the fall colors all around. 

When I visited a friend’s house, this spider web was among 3 others reminding me of Halloween. How I didn’t see them at first, walked right by them and didn’t get any cobweb on me is a mystery.

I am in the middle of teaching a group animal communication and animal healing and we are having so much fun. The people and their animals are bonding even more than they ever thought possible and they are having fun communicating with them and knowing what each other are saying.

If you are frustrated that your cat and dog are not listening to you, you will want to check out this ezine’s tip.

And if you know this is something important you want to take further, please get in touch with me for a complementary conversation.
People Vibrations
In the spirit of American Thanksgiving and the season of fall reaping the harvest from seeds planted in the spring, the following essences are featured:
Featured Essence
Are you ready to express your gratitude and thankfulness for all you have?

The Vi Miere
Gratitude essence is a way to express gratitude, spread gratitude and thank the Universe for all that it offers. An in giving thanks, it opens to door for more to come to you to continue being blessed.


Are you ready to generate and have more abundance?

The Vi Miere Abundance essence allows the energy of abundance to be with you. Spray for what you want more of i.e. friends, sunny days, romance, money, business, and more.

If you desire to express more Gratitude and receive more Abundance in your life, click Spa Essence Specials now.
Animal Vibrations
With the recent planetary shifts, I am finding that animals are benefiting and reaching for the Environmental Oneness essence, so it is being featured here as a support to your animals too.
Featured Essence:
Environmental Oneness!
Is your cat or dog a little “ansi” or restless lately?
Is your cat or dog wanting to be outside more?
Do you have an outdoor kitty that is now an indoor kitty?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these, Environmental Oneness will help your animal?

Environmental Oneness Assists reconnecting us with "All-That-IS", diffusing any sense of separation.
Your animals feel the connection with “All-That-IS” and when there is a change in weather or change in scenery like being indoors more instead of outdoors, your animals will enjoy nature and that feeling nature offers being brought indoors to them.

If you desire a touch of nature indoors with
Environmental Oneness’ support for you with your animals, click Animal Essence Specials now.
Upcoming Classes
Sparkle Animal Communication and Healing Class
Be a part of a select group of 8 people joining together, forming now - learning how to help your cat and dog with any behavioral issues. This program gives you the opportunity to learn and refine your animal communication skills, learn healing skills and have more peace, harmony and health for all in your home. 

 If this sounds like something you are interested in, please click here and we will set up a time to talk to make sure this class is the right fit for you and your animals. 

Vibrational Living Healing Group is here!
Wow, what a powerful Vibrational Living Healing Group we have! 

I am so excited to be sharing these experiences with you. 

No worries, if you were unable to be live on the call. A recording of our healing session is provided so you can benefit as many times as you choose to listen in. And when I say you I also mean your furry companions are included too. They feel the energy, are drawn to it and know it is good for them.

Don’t just take my word for it; here is what a participant has to say about it:

“I was feeling anxious about my life and so I decided to participate in the group meditation to relieve some stress and gain clarity by quieting my mind. As the meditation began, I started to really relax. I could actually feel the energy change in the room. My cats must have felt it too because they both joined me on my lap and stayed there throughout the call. I felt calmer and more clear headed afterward. I would recommend Vicki's vibrational group as a way to relax your busy mind and receive the healing energy that you need, even if you aren't sure what that is. It helped bring me back to the present moment which is always where the healing begins.”
Debbie Noyes, Bellevue, WA
and cats, Jerry, Alvin and Moses

Your next Vibrational Living Healing Group

Topic: Gratitude, Abundance and Optimum Health!

November 13th, 2013
6:00pm Pacific 

*Call-in and web access details will be provided on sign-up.

The more like minded spirits we have, the higher we can raise our vibrations and make an even bigger difference in our world and quality of living. Feel free to invite your friends to join us by sharing this sign-up link:

Client Interest for You!
Gal is an 8 year old retired greyhound racing athlete. She was rescued by my client after her racing career. She came to me because Gal had hurt her shoulder and had been limping awhile before they found me.

Now Gal is running around better than ever. Her shoulder has healed and she is all tuned up (a way of saying she has balanced her whole body after her injury where the injury and all of the compensating muscles are now back and functioning in a balanced way). 

After a recent session Gal was feeling so good that she jumped into her owner’s car with only the top lifted up to the back over the tailgate while it was still up. The owner’s jaw dropped saying “Gal hasn’t jumped that high in a long time”.

It is music to my ears when I see first-hand or hear animals are feeling good and having a good time.

After Gal’s sessions, she always jumps around friskily, playfully and happily to let us know she is feeling really good.
Useful Tip for You!
Tip : Animals do not know the word “no”. So anytime you put the word “no” in front of something, you are telling them to do it. You are sending them the picture of it and that is what they see and hear. 

So tell them what you do want them to do. And things will work smoother for you.
How to take this further...
If you are a person who wants to make sure your cat and dog are happy living and being with you and healthy, it is never too late to begin. Please get in touch with me for a private conversation.

We will assess how we can make sure you are living your best and your cats and dogs are feeling, moving and living their best. Reach out to Set Up Your Personal Meeting With VickiWe'll find the next best steps for your specific needs.

I look forward to meeting and speaking with you.

Set Up Your Personal Meeting With Vicki

I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to my life. Bless each moment you have with your precious animals. :-)

Helping as many pets be as healthy as possible and as many pet owners be as happy as possible!

Abundance, Joy and Wealth,
Vicki Draper,
International Vibrational Energy Healing Expert for You and Your Animals

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals        425-785-4232

Before it gets to a crisis with your beloved cats, dogs and horses, reach out HERE to set up your personal meeting and share what is going on with you and your animals: Set Up Your Personal Meeting With Vicki and we’ll find your next best steps for your specific needs.

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
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