Subject: Learn to communicate your summer travel plans with your pet

Healing Your Animal Connection
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You and Your Animals!

Photo of dog with birthday cake and candle toy by Sam Lion
Here's a warm welcome to the new subscribers to the Healing Your Animal community and a heart-felt connection to existing subscribers.

Today I am celebrating my birthday connecting with you and your pet(s). My soul's purpose is helping you and your pet(s) live your best lives together.  I am grateful for being a part of your pet's wellness care team.

I am also playing miniature golf as I haven't done that in a long time and then going to the Puget Sound for dinner with friends for outdoor seating overlooking the water and watching the sunset while eating fresh seafood.

By playing, I can support you and your pet(s) even better. 

I hope you have play in your calendar. It's good for you and your pet.

In my last couple of newsletters, you've heard me talk about Reiki.  Reiki is a spiritual healing tool with Japanese origins that brings balance and healing to an unbalanced body and boosts a healthy body.

The word Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”) comes from the Japanese words meaning Spiritual Energy

Reiki is one of the healing modalities I use in self-care and healing sessions for you and your pets, because it is very effective and being a Reiki Master, it enables me to support you and your precious pets virtually for a wide range of issues.

The Reiki study conducted at Harvard University by members of the Center for Reiki Research (Dr. Natalie Dyer, Dr. Ann Baldwin, and William Rand) in 2015 and 2016 has now been published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. This is the largest prospective Reiki study to date and hopefully will lead to much more research.

The Harvard study with 1,411 Reiki practitioners concluded that a single session of Reiki improves multiple variables related to physical and psychological health.

Being in private practice for over 23 years, I have thousands of case studies where Reiki improved the quality of pets' lives physically, emotionally, behaviorally, mentally and spiritually.

If you'd like to become a Reiki healer for people and animals, I'd love to have you join me in my upcoming certification class. See details below in the Learning Opportunities section.  And if you have any questions, please reach out to me and I'll get them answered for you.

With summer approaching and travel increasing, this week's exercise is sharing how you can communicate your travel plans with your pet.  

Exercise for the Week:
Photo of cat in large suitcase by Pixabay

This Week's Exercise

I was a guest on a kindred spirit and friend of mine, Rev. Karen Cleveland's Connectedness podcast.

Listen and learn how to communicate travel with your pet:

Learning Opportunities
Photo: Vicki holding sacral chakra on a cat
Now Accepting Reiki Master/Teacher Student Applications

If you have completed Reiki Level I and Level II, you are eligible to apply.  Click this link.

Reiki Level I and II Certifications for People and Animals (zoom)

Have you ever wanted to give healing support to your pet?

Are you desiring to work with animals in a professional way?

Do you already work with animals and want to expand your skills?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, here's your chance to become a Certified Reiki Level I and Level II Healer for People and Animals.

When: Tuesdays June 27 - Sept 12
            6:000-7:30pm Pacific
            (click to find your time zone)

Where: Zoom - in the comfort of your home for you and your pets

For more information click here now: Reiki Level I and II Certifications for People and Animals Registration

Pre-requisites: None

Private Sessions Available
Zoom Healing Sessions
Photo: Cat ,Coco, in her favorite spot enjoying her zoom healing session
In Person Healing Sessions Temporarily Unavailable
Get In Touch
If you have concerns or issues with your pet(s), I invite you to have a 15-20 minute complimentary conversation I like to call Assessment. 

Simply click this link,  Healing Your Animal Assessment
select Assessment, choose time and date that works with your schedule and we will connect. 

Together we will form a plan of support and get you scheduled for zoom or in-person sessions to get your pet back to feeling their best.

Dedicated to you and your animal's healing,
Vicki Draper,
Certified Healer and Animal Communicator

Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals      425-785-4232

I hope you liked learning about Reiki and communicating travel to your pet.


If you are ready to have your animal move and feel their best, I invite you to get in touch with me for your free 15-20 minute Assessment connection call as my gift to you. Together we'll formulate a plan to get Reiki and massage support for your animal(s) with virtual Reiki and massage and have them moving with flexibility and ease.

Click Healing Your Animal Assessment fill in your name, email, phone number and select the time convenient for you on the calendar.

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.