Subject: Learn more about transitioning a dog from a home to an apartment

Healing Your Animal Ezine
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

I wish a warm welcome to you and new Healing Your Animal Community subscribers.
As I shared last week, Miranda, my 12 year old daughter, and I are taking a cake decorating class together. We had class 2 of the intermediate class this week.  She is so passionate about learning, she had read the book, made the special icing, and did the lesson on her own ahead of time.  Since she understood what the teacher was saying and adding her experience, she was being called the teacher's assistant.  Here are some flowers from this class.  

As we have our human children, we also have our furry children that we absolutely love and cherish and take care of to the best of our abilities.

Changes happen in life.  Sometimes it is time to downsize.  Take what you have known for the past 18 years, sell things, give to charity some things and move on to the next phase of your life. Your long-time animal family are there with you during this change.  

If you are going through a change, having disruption in your household, you will want to check out this week’s ezine tip below.

And if you know this is something important you want to take further, please get in touch with me for a Healing Your Animal Assessment as my gift to you.

People & Animal Vibrations
Featured Sale Essences
Panic Relief
Do you have a cat or dog afraid of loud noises?

Do you have a feral cat that has domesticated?  Yet, still is on hyper-alert all of the time?

Do you have a cat or dog who is afraid of new people, cowers or retreats when they are around?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions you will be happy to discover Panic Relief.

Panic Relief essence supports calming panic energy.  Assists in relieving emotional distress, fear and panic.  This works for you as well as your animals.  This will help calm your dogs for car rides for travel and to the vet.
If you are a person prone to panic attacks or feeling panicked a lot, this will help you calm down, take the edge off and be more relaxed.  

This is the same for your animals.  If your cat, your dog are jumpy, shaky, and scared a lot, this will support them in calming down and feeling more at ease.

Save 25% now
, click Essence Sales

Do you have a cat or dog afraid of going to the vet?

Do you have a dog who is “hyper”, “anxious”, barks like crazy when the doorbell rings?

Are you moving households with everything unsettled going through items, boxing them up, unpacking?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these,
Serene essence is your friend.

Serene assists in calming your cat, your dog, you for you to have peace, calm and harmony in your life.

Here what one client has to say..

"My dog, Lambeau, used to get upset and bark every time I would vacuum.  I spray Serene and now Lambeau sits calmly and just looks at the vacuum cleaner as it goes by."
Rachel – Kirkland, WA

Save 25% now, click Essence Sales.
Upcoming Classes
Healing Your Animal Teleclass

Clearing You and Your Animals

Now, you may be saying…

What am I clearing?

What do you mean by clearing you and your animals?

You and your animals have an energy field that some people see and many do not. The clarity of your energy field impacts your whole life. Even though you cannot see it, it is there and you need to know about it so you can take the best care of you and also your animals.

Your cats and your dogs are most likely more energy sensitive than you are. They're aware of energy that you might not have a clue about. This sensitivity affects their behavior and how they feel.

Your energy field or energy body as some people call it needs an energetic dusting as does your physical furniture in your house and your daily shower for your physical body.

Healing Your Animal Teleclass

Topic: Clearing You and Your Animals

July 30th

10:00am Pacific


Healing Your Animal Clearing You and Your Animal Sign-Up
*Call-in and web access details will be provided on sign-up.

**Be sure to mark your calendars and make it live.  This is a new change.  This teleclass is not being recorded. And I would so hate for you to miss out on this important information.

And share this invite with a friend you know who would be interested in taking the best care of their loving animals.

Healing Your Animal Clearing You and Your Animal Sign-Up
Client Interest for You
Michele contacted me because her 10 year old dog, Joey, was having anxiety. He was restless, pacing and out-of-sorts. He would really be nervous when Michele would leave the house without him. He was watching his home of 10 years empty out. There was a lot of activity going on around him and he was very unsettled. Michele was going to have to sell “his couch” because there was not room for it in the new place. Joey was feeling Michele’s stress because it was such a life changing experience for both of them. She was also concerned because Joey was used to a big yard and now going to have to walk on a leash which he had never done before. She was concerned about his happiness with all of this and going to a smaller place to live.

I went to visit them to help Joey with their moving journey. Working with massage and introducing him to Serene and Separation Ease helped Joey calm down. I communicated to him about “his couch” not able to go with them, so he could understand and adjust easily and I communicated to him why he would have to be on a leash.

This helped Michele transition Joey to his home in the smaller apartment, having a “new couch” for him, walking on a leash and helping him socialize with other dogs by using the Serene and Separation Ease essences through the rest of this life-changing move.

And the report I’ve heard back is Joey is doing good with his new lifestyle.
Featured Guest
Thanks to The Secret, the Law of Attraction has become more mainstream. However, many people struggle with making the Law of Attraction work. They know what they want, they imagine themselves having it and yet, what they want never flows to them. So they just give up by saying “This doesn’t work!”

But is that really true?

The Law of Attraction is a Universal Law that states “That which like unto itself is drawn.” Universal Laws have been in existence since the dawn of time and many are teaching the laws in a variety of ways. While methodologies may differ, the basics are the same and it’s just a matter of choosing the teacher who resonates with you the most.

I was recently introduced to a gifted Law of Attraction Life Coach who answered a question I had in a uniquely different way. I asked her, “Do you always get what you want?” She replied, “No, but I always get what I’m vibrating.” What that means is that you always attract to you what is active within you. So, for example, let’s say you desire more money. You state your desire clearly, visualize yourself having more money and yet, you continue to speak about lack and focus upon not having enough. Therefore, what you are attracting is lack because your emotion and consistent focus is on lack.

In speaking with her, I knew I had to share her with all of you and she was kind enough to accept my invitation.

Her name is Elaine Torrance-Gingrich and she is known as the Goddess of Laughter and Possibilities. She is the creator of the Goddess Life Method™ which teaches you how to embrace your divinity and integrate the Law of Attraction into your life. This program allows you to discover:

• The importance of your emotions
• What “acceptance” really means
• Why you must make fun number one

And so much more!

I’m sure you’re intrigued to learn more and here is your chance! Elaine has graciously offered a limited number of her What’s Your Vibrational Set Point Discovery Session (a $250 value) to our community for free! During this session, you will:

• Get clarity. As specifically as possible, you will get clear about where you are right now and what you want to create
• Uncover the hidden challenges and limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck in the muck
• Create an aligned action step that will move you closer to your desires
• You will leave this session feeling re-energized, renewed and inspired knowing exactly what you need to do to move forward.

To claim your session, send an email to with “Free Session from Vicki” in the subject line by Wednesday July 23rd. She will get back to you ASAP and get you scheduled.

Useful Tip for You
If you are moving your dog from a home where he had a yard and never has walked on a leash,

 Get your dog use to the leash before he has to be on it.  

How to use this: 

Put it on and walk around your house, your yard and let him get used to it.  Your attitude toward this will make a difference.  The leash is a connection between the two of you.  If you make it a fun experience, your dog will adjust more easily.

This is only the tip of the iceberg with how to help them while you downsize from a house to apartment/condo living.
How to take this further...
If you are downsizing, leaving your home lifestyle for an apartment/condo lifestyle and you desire to help your cat, your dog make this transition in the most positive, comfortable way for him/her,

Reach out, click here -

and you will discover how clearing will help you and your dog go from scattered with everything changing to calm and enjoying the move.
I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to my life. Bless each moment you have with your precious animals. :-)

Helping as many animals be as healthy as possible and as many animal guardians like you be as happy as possible!
Abundance, Joy and Wealth,
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections 
for You and Your Animals   

P.S. Since you are an animal loving person and you are interested in doing all you can to take good care of your cats and dogs, you will greatly benefit with learning more about clearing for you and your loving cats and dogs. This class is my gift to you.

Sign up now – click:

Healing Your Animal
Clearing You and Your Animals Teleclass

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
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