Subject: It is that time. Are your animals scared of fireworks?

Healing Your Animal Ezine
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

I wish a warm welcome to my Healing Your Animal Community new subscribers.
Happy 4th of July!

Independence Day for those of us in the USA. 

Cats are notorious for having an independent nature.

My daughter is visiting her father for 3 weeks with his parents in town from England.  It is a different feeling that when she is gone for the weekend.  I am able to get in touch with myself for who I am not as a mother.  It is a different feeling.  I have been getting out more with friends and doing what I want to do with all of my time being mine.  I sure am feeling a new sense of independence right now which will have be an even better mother when my daughter comes home in 2 more weeks.

How do you feel independent in your life?

If you are a person who has a cat, a dog scared of fireworks, you will want to check out this week’s ezine tip below.

And if you know this is something important you want to take further, please get in touch with me for a complementary assessment conversation. 

People & Animal Vibrations
Featured Sale Essences
Panic Relief
Do you have a cat or dog afraid of fireworks?

Do you have a cat or dog who is very shy, submissive and shaky?

Does your cat or dog retreat with encountering a new person or animal?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions you will be happy to discover Panic Relief.

Panic Relief essence supports calming panic energy.  Assists in relieving emotional distress, fear and panic.  This works for you as well as your animals.  This will help calm your dogs for car rides for travel and to the vet.
If you are a person prone to panic attacks or feeling panicked a lot, this will help you calm down, take the edge off and be more relaxed.  

This is the same for your animals.  If your cat, your dog are jumpy, shaky, and scared a lot, this will support them in calming down and feeling more at ease.

Save 25% now
, click Essence Sales

Do you have a cat or dog afraid of fireworks?

Do you have a dog who is “hyper”, “anxious”, barks like crazy when the doorbell rings?

Do you have a cat who startles easily?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these,
Serene essence is your friend.

Serene assists in calming your cat, your dog, you for you to have peace, calm and harmony in your life.

Here what one client has to say..

"In addition to being an animal massage practitioner, Vicki makes and sells vibrational essences which we have great success with. Sanjah Anna, our 4-year-old German Shepherd, is excessively ecstatic in the way she greets company (jumping, barking, urinating). Vicki experienced this behavior when she came to do a session with our older Shepherd, Nike. Vicki brought the Serene mist on her next visit and sprayed Sanjah. Within SECONDS Sanjah calmed down! My mouth dropped open. We've been using Serene ever since for Sanjah. This opened our eyes and we are now using the mists ourselves."

Jocelyn Paluch  Spokane, WA

Save 25% now, click Essence Sales.
Client Interest for You
Today’s client story is about Toby. Isn't he cute.  Toby lives with 3 other bigger dogs.  He is the nervous, shaky, not as confident dog of his pack.  

One of the things I helped support his family with was when they were moving across country and staying in kennels for the first time.  

Toby made an impression on the first kennel he stayed in.  He got loose and was running up and down the aisles with the workers chasing him.  I laughed as I visualized this and him having fun running to this heart was content.  

The guardian reported the kennel staff remarked how well all 4 of the dogs were with their first kennel stay.  Even people that were visiting the kennel to see about boarding their animals there commented on how comfortable Toby and his pack were.  And they were amazed to discover it was their first kennel stay. 

Toby and his pack really benefited from our work together preparing and making their moving transition a smooth experience for all of the family.

With Toby responding to our work together for himself, he is much more confident.  He is calmer, being his true comfortable self.  He is happier now.  It supported him having a better quality for his life.

Useful Tip for You
Tip:   Keep your animals feeling safe with fireworks going off this weekend

How to use this: 

A lot of animals do not like fireworks. They get really scared and distressed. Some animals feel the bathroom is the safest place for them. You will know where your animals feel safe by where they retreat to. Make that room extra comfortable for them during the firework weekend. Sit with them there being a calm loving presence for them. 

If you have Vi Miere’s Serene essence spray it. 
If you have Vi Miere's Panic Relief essence, spray it.  
If you have Rescue Remedy, use it. 

Put on soft relaxing music in the room for them to support them relaxing. 

Some cats respond to comfort by putting a towel or blanket over them. They will appreciate your loving touch and being by them. When they see you feeling safe and calm, that will help them feel safe and calm.

Some of my clients stay home with their animals to help them feel safe. Some take them to Canada where there are no fireworks this weekend. Get creative supporting your animals.

They will gratefully appreciate you supporting them.
How to take this further...
If your cat, your dog is really scared, nervous and shaky, and you don’t really know what to do to help him calm down and feel safe, it breaks your heart seeing your animal suffering being so scared, slinking around, hiding and shaking, possibly so scared having diarrhea or throwing up, please

Reach out, click here -

and we’ll discuss your issues and concerns and find your next best steps for support for your animal to be more confident and have things that previously were scaring him/her not give much attention to anymore. 

Allowing your cat, your dog to quit suffering and be on a path of healing with more calm and sure of his/her self.

Are you ready to have this for your animal? Click here: 
I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to my life. Bless each moment you have with your precious animals. :-)

Helping as many animals be as healthy as possible and as many animal guardians like you be as happy as possible!
Abundance, Joy and Wealth,
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections 
for You and Your Animals   

P.S. Before your concerns, confusion and distress get worse with you regarding your beloved cats, dogs and horses, reach out HERE to set up your personal meeting and share what is going on with you and your animals: Set Up Your Personal Meeting With Me and we’ll find your next best steps for your specific needs so you can relax, have support and warm your heart knowing your cat, your dog is back to feeling good.

Click this link:

Set Up Your Personal Assessment Meeting With Me

my gift to you.
Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
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