Subject: It is not too late to join in - 21 Day Business Course in Miracles

Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

I have some really great news for you! I have been collaborating on some really thrilling and influential material that is electric and dynamic and I will be sharing this very soon in the form of a special experience …

This powerful material is all about “Business Miracles™”. This is a concept created by my colleague and collaborator, Heather Dominick, and it’s about shifting the set of internal and external behaviors that affect and influence the business choices you make and ultimately the results of those choices. (If you can already tell you want one of the limited, free, virtual seats then click here to register now:  Business Miracles™

If you’re working really hard in your business and feel like: 

• Your future must be defined by your disappointing past
• Something in your business is off but you just can't put your finger on it
• You get stuck not knowing what to do first
• You can’t be your real self and also achieve success
• There’s a hidden barrier to your success and prosperity 

...then this FREE 21-Day Discovery Series is going to change your business and your life. Truly.

Click here to register:  Business Miracles™

You deserve a higher level of success and prosperity and we want to share this priceless information with you and anyone you know who has those same "symptoms". So if you are ready for some raw honest perspective and some genuine practical assistance, stop what you are doing and follow this link below.

Click here to register:  Business Miracles™

Please reserve your complimentary seat right away because there are a limited number of virtual seats for this powerful, business altering and life changing experience. 
This is my and Heather’s 100% gift to you. This is us paying it forward. The more businesses in the world being managed by miracles, the greater chance we have to truly change the world, for the better. 
Abundance, Joy and Wealth,
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals        425-785-4232

This isn’t your typical tele-summit. It takes 21 days to change a habit so each day you will receive a “21-Minute Daily Dose” of a business miracle either in the form of a self-study exercise, audio training or inspiring thought leader interview. We begin March 11th, 2014    Business Miracles™

P.P.S. Yes, recordings will be provided

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
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