Subject: Is your pet anxious, unsettled, skittish? Learn how to ground your pet

Healing Your Animal Connection
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You and Your Animals!

Photo: A family and dog connecting in the fall
I hope this finds you well after school being back in session and moving more into fall.

There are a couple of transitions happening this time of year, back to school and weather changes.

Are your pets and you making the transition with ease?

Pets feel the shifts too when a family member leaves and there is a shift in the household along with weather changes.

You may find yourself feeling a little more sluggish with the weather getting cooler.  We have heard for a long time about people having knee or other pain when the weather is changing.  People can predict the weather change by the pressure changes being felt in their body.

These same changes happen in pets too.

If your pet is moving a little slower than usual, this is the time for a healing session to boost and rebalance your pet's energy.

If you want to discuss this, please reach out and schedule your Assessment:
The grounding technique for you that I shared in my last newsletter and am resharing in this newsletter along with the grounding technique for your pet are from my first book:

There are whole chapters designated to you, your animals and calming your animals along with animal communication and more in this book.

Photo: Book 1 Cover: Bridging True Love Connection & Healing
Between You and Your Animals

Featuring Client Lynn and X, Bouvier dog
X is the main technique model in this book
Grounding Exercise for Your Pet:
Chakra 1: Root Chakra - Grounding

As promised in my last newsletter where you learned to balance your root chakra - aka grounding, this newsletter, I am showing you how to ground your pet.

In case you missed it, here's the review for you as it is important to make sure you are grounded before grounding your pet.

Balancing Chakra 1

Take a moment for yourself to center with 3 deep breaths slowly in and out before doing this grounding exercise will help you get the most out of it.

Place your hands on your lap with your pinky fingers in the crease of your legs and your middle fingers on top of your pubic bone. 

In invite you to close your eyes and go inward.

Hold this for 30 seconds (or longer if you are enjoying it).  The more you do this (daily), the calmer, more grounded you will be.  

When I ground, it clears my head and I have much more clarity.

After grounding yourself, now it's time to ground your pet.

You place your hand on your pet's paw, focus on your grounding, hold 10-20 seconds helping your pet ground.

Do this for both front and back paws as shown in the following photos.
       Photo: Front Paw Grounding Bouvier Dog X Demonstration
Photo: Back Paw Grounding Bouvier Dog X Demonstration
In the photos, you can see from the grounding of the front paws, X was getting more grounded, comfortable and relaxed as he laid down for the grounding of his back paws.

Ready for more grounding support for you and/or your pet?  

Get your copy of:

Private Grounding Sessions Available - virtually on Zoom and locally Animal Healing Center in Redmond, WA.
 Client dog Sally and Vicki Zoom healing session
Client Beagle Gracie Wellness Session available at Animal Healing Center
No matter where you live, your pet can be supported.  You can be in the comfort of your home and receive chakra balancing healing support.  Virtual healing sessions are powerful. Your pet and you benefit in the comfort of your home.

Or if you are in the area, you can visit me at Animal Healing Center.

If you are concerned about your pet's health or behavior or want to know what he or she is thinking, and/or wish for more confidence and connection with your pet, I invite you to: 

Click this link: Healing Your Animal Assessment 

You will be taken to my calendar to set up a time convenient for you.  I look forward to talking with you about your pet and concerns you are having and together find best plan of support for optimum health, harmony and peace.
Dedicated to you and your animal's healing,
Vicki Draper,
Certified Healer and Animal Communicator

I invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel:
Vicki Draper YouTube Videos

I invite you to visit and like my Facebook page:

I invite you to follow me on Instagram:
Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals      425-785-4232


I hope you like learning about your root chakra and how to ground your pet.

My intention is to support your pet and you living your best healthy lives together. One way to do this is giving you tools such as tips in this newsletter, my books, classes, my podcast and videos on YouTube to benefit you and your pet's lives. 

If you desire 1 on 1 personal support, please get in touch with me:

Simply click Healing Your Animal Assessment fill in your name, email and phone number, select a time convenient for you and we will connect and together form a plan of support.

If you have any comments or successes with the information shared, or have topics you would like addressed, I would love to hear from you. Click to email:

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.